I know I should be working but I am taking a short break to get this out of my mind and out into cyberspace.
I come home last night from working out at the gym. I am sweaty but fulfilled. I am greeted by the great diva. She is tutoring our neighbour who has just started university. It is odd to see computer illiterate folks in this day and age. My dad is at that level also but I also thinks he plays it up so he can get cute Filipino girls to help him.
Well... the Diva tells me to go into the oldest's room. I bite. What the hell. There is a girl in there. White. Tall. Short bleach blonde hair. A little on the skinny side. Kinda a gothic feel to her. I was so excited. A girl. I was perplexed as she did not fit the gangsta rapper motif that the oldest has surrounded himself in.
We let them have their room and STUDY. So they start to put on this plea to go to the ludicrous concert in NOLA today but we defer. The oldest actually opted out of the whole deal in the end so I didn't have to be the bad guy which is nice and tell him that I have no desire to hit New Orleans after dark for some time especially a hip hop concert at Tulane.
Well later that night it comes out. THE GIRL was a lesbian. We were crushed. We have nothing against same sex relationships and such. I think the oldest thought we were judging her because of her sexual orientation. Little does he know, we were upset that he hadn't found a new belle and moved on from that immature Italian drama queen in Alabama.
Here is to hooking J Smooth up with a local drama free female.
Friday, September 01, 2006
Posted by
Ben Denham
10:33 AM
Friday, August 25, 2006
Another Week Down
Busy week back from Long Beach.
I went over to my Ex's place and picked up the remains of my gear. Rolex, fake or not, I now have that puppy plus a crap load of photos when I was skinny.
Went out last weekend with some friends or folks from work. It was fun although one the husbands was putting off some evil vibes but that is because he and I share a naughty secret and every time he sees me he is reminded of his unholy transgressions. I just say "don't hate me, I have no problem being faithful to the woman I love."
Anyways back to this trip to the poolhall with my Diva. I made her dress up so we could take a step back into our sorted, fun past. I made her put a blouse on which showed her ladies off nicely every time she bent over the table to take a shot. I also made her wrap her rump and hips in a short skirt minus undie where.
This uniform led to my first ever visit to the ladies' restroom and a carnal encounter in the handicap stall. What can I say? Take those two goals off my lifetime list.
Happy Weekend to all,
Posted by
Ben Denham
4:14 PM
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
Sharing the Pain
My Treat Diva has a pinched nerve in her back but that isn't the pain I am sharing. I am talking the money situation. We have had to shit a few extra thousand to get everything going for the house and the oldest's braces so we are doing the budget thingy.
Today I came across an additional ten spot and when the lunch bell rang I almost walked out to go to BK or the golden arches but I remember the Diva telling me how she went with the girls from work to a Mexican restaurant and just had a glass of coke, chips, and salsa.
I turned my ass around nuked some Ramen and had a granola bar from dessert. I am going to pick up a modestly prized bottle of wine on the way home tonight and that will be well worth the sacrifice of this lunch.
Happy Lunch,
I have a murder mystery to read.
Posted by
Ben Denham
12:32 PM
Sunday, August 06, 2006
Back to Spanking
Ok. I didn't spank on Friday at the Office as I do have a job when I return to the plant on Monday but this is what I dreamt up:
(Told in third person narration)
He stood there looking at his hand. Like his hand was a traitor or had violated him in some unspeakable manner. It was as if he would be able discern something in each wrinkle and crevase but nothing. Watson was drawing a blank, Holmes.
Only seconds before he had strolled into his co-worker's office. He had a document to be signed. She had been at the front of her desk and turned around, bending to grab a pen from the far reaches of her desk. Her pin striped tan slack had pulled tight over her bulbous ass. And... and he smack one ample cheek with his hand. The sound had echoed through the office for what felt like years but that was unlikely, the echo was in his head.
They were locked in shock, her mouth slightly agape and his free hand still holding the unsigned document.
Smack!!!! Her other cheek trembled slightly from the spanking blow.
"Why did you do it ... again?" Her voice was trembling just like her pale flesh tucked under her JC Penny pants.
"I just wanted to make sure the first time wasn't a fluke," he still examined her hand but he was uniquely aware of his sexual arousal become evident in the crotch of his Walmart jeans.
"How about I just leave this for you to sign," He stepped closer, she didn't move an inch still in some phase of complete shock. He placed the document on the desk right next to her stretched out torso.
so you know what I think about to get through rush hour traffic and an hour commute in the rain.
Happy Dreaming mere Mortals,
Posted by
Ben Denham
12:19 PM
What the hell is there to do in Long Beach?
I mean the X games are there. It is the largest and busiest port in the United States. It is the home of Snoop. But truly what is there to do in Long Beach. I don't have anything against Cali but it seems so expensive compared to the other locations I have been sent to. The only thing that is cheaper is the rental cars, riddle me that.
I hate being away from home and I know that is lame but I am so sold on this family man gig. Catch this, my first open house is in two hours. The first meet and greet with a teacher. I don't know what to do, I think I will shake hands and not to get into religious debates.
Going to break up this post so that I don't put sexual tense fantasies in with talk about being a PaPas (not the potatoe but the parental figure).
Happy Orientation All,
Posted by
Ben Denham
12:09 PM
Friday, August 04, 2006
Spanking is not Cheating
Spanking is not cheating just like showing your girls at Mardi Gras is no more than bead appropriation.
Love you secret blog reader.
Posted by
Ben Denham
2:22 PM
I am slowly going crazy... 5 .. 4... 3.. 2. 1...
Ok it isn't me. It is the guy in the next office. Dude is talking to himself and keeps saying "No.. no!" It is the middle age security system installer and I am not quite sure if he is all there.
Ok. It is official. I am Capital H. HoRNY.
I did some spring cleaning in my office and sent off three million five hundred and three emails today. I was cleaning up loose ends also. Very productive week. This isn't because I am still waiting to see if my raise goes through but my desk was piled so high with shit that I didn't know if I was coming or going.
Still horny, in case you are keeping track.
I have this oppressive desire to paddle the bottoms of most of the lovely ladies here at work. I am a walking sexual harassment case. Good thing I learned self-control at the ripe age of four or so.
I know I am not alone is this. I know someone has stood behind a member of the opposite sex and just want to smack them once on their tush. You know it doesn't have to be the opposite sex but at least for me I would extract exponentiallly more pleasure out of the arse being owned by a lady.
Happy Smacking my paddling friends,
Posted by
Ben Denham
2:00 PM
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
Experiment with Miso
So the jury is in. Ramen noodles and Miso do not go together, at least not in the same bowl of goodness. Another lesson: Two packets of Ramen is just too much mister.
The boys are back. I liked them being gone as I could roll around the house naked as a jay bird and have sex whenever I deemed the need although it was commonly on my own. I also had the undivided attention of the Diva and she wasn't as stressed. Who knew that having two boys running around the house and making incredible demands on your time could be stressful?
I do love having them back. I hope with a complete school year this time around that we can truly slip back into a rhythm. A rhythm that will not be interupted by their short visit with Pudgy. I am giving serious thought to coaching football for Mini-Mouse. I am guessing that I will have brother JEB talked into LSU by the end of the year or at least next summer.
All things seem to be coming into place with Diva and I think she is reaping some vindication from her other job. Also got herself an earfull about my ex and her teaching ability. We all had the chance to look at a pic of her ex's future ex. A dark caramel panamian lass with a less than adorable grill but flat ish stomach.
The ramen/miso sex in a cup is growing on me. Good thing I am working out tonight. I need to release all this bouncy knee energy.
Peace Out,
Posted by
Ben Denham
12:22 PM
Friday, July 21, 2006
Friday Night Music 2 MY Ears
The plant is cleared except for essential folks, it must be Friday. I have had the lights off in my office all day because I have had this killer and I mean killer headache. I am sure I could have just closed my eyes and it all would have went away.
Diva is done with her comps and rolling passed the plant now on the interstate. One step closer to closing on our house as I fax'd off three million different sheets of paper this afternoon. And I closed loops of a mountain of paperwork that has been slowly growing on my desk. That has been my day other than helping the temps with the printers and forklifting an old copying machine across the parking lot. I am genuinely getting excited about this little side project I am on or really heading. It is a new label and label system that I can build from the ground up. This will be my second Label System that I have built and I enjoy the research, development, and vendor interaction.
I was thinking about a glass of wine tonight but money is tight and I will have to settle with the Canadian beer filling my frig to the brim. Might take the Sissy out to the galleries tomorrow if she can wrestle her mind away from comps and thesis papers.
TO: all
have a great weekend and safe travels
Posted by
Ben Denham
3:18 PM
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Wednesday Ho Hum
Work has been crazy but nothing that can't be handled. I think things are slowly starting to ebb in this weird flow of things. The Diva is stressing as she is in the middle of her thesis and comps. The thesis is going remarkably well but like any test, this set of comps is turning her stomach and bringing her to the edge of an anxiety attack.
I can't really help in the matter but I am trying to be uber supportive. I even took a stab at the laundry tonight while she was soak away her worries in the tub but from the groan I just heard from across the apartment I must have dried something that wasn't suppose to meet the fate.
I have ordered myself a few books and am going to start reading again. We have started back into blossoming our cultural experiences. Last weekend we went down to NOLA to take in the Ansel Adams exhibit and the Katrina aftermath exhibit of photos. Both were interesting.
Talk soon.
Happy Travels.
Posted by
Ben Denham
7:14 PM
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
Stolen from Tribe: Rules
Happy trails!
I. Thou shalt pack HALF the clothes you want.
II. Thou shalt take TWICE the money you will need.
III. Thou shalt pack an abundance of Patience.
IV. Thou shalt NOT count calories, especially on cruises (and in Greece;-).
V. Your extra large luggage shalt have wheels.
VI. Thou shalt NOT feel guilty if you don't write and mail postcards until after you return home.
VII. Thou shalt pack a little Caution.
VIII. Thou shalt practice using your new camera BEFORE
you depart on your vacation.
IX. Thou shalt NOT pack uncomfortable shoes, no matter how attractive they might be.
X. Thou shalt have wonderful experiences that will flow into wonderful memories!
Posted by
Ben Denham
12:27 PM
Sunday, July 09, 2006
Ok so I am now engaged. It happened at the Bewitching hour somewhere in the fog laiden landscape of Missippi or was it Louisiana. We won't be exchanging rings or running through a church as neither one of us is actually Christian despite the color of our skin.
Don't know what the future holds but I am sure it is brightish.
Pictures will follow soon of the trip.
Happy to Be HOme
Posted by
Ben Denham
12:38 AM
Sunday, June 25, 2006
Canada Trip Day 1
Seems I am operating at a high rate of anxiety and that is just not working for our vacation. I am driving my poor Sissy up the wall. I am faced with that all to familiar feeling of wanting to get home to Canada as quick as humanly possible. SO. I am going to try to turn over a new leaf today and carry it on through our trip.
We decided we are too old to drive straight through to where ever we were going so we stopped in Jackson, Missouri for gas, a bite to eat, and a room for the night. Gas went ok but we were forced to chose between a White Castle and the Golden Arches. We pick Ronald McDonald's Restaurant and omfg. We sat in line for twenty minutes at the window and this is after only barely grazing the awning with our mountain bike on the roof of the truck. We sped off without even ordering and hit the hotel. NO surprise. The hotel was full.
The next exit we got off the interstate to go to an inn but almost got lost. We finally decided on a Comfort Inn with high rates. We were propositioned by a drunk dude on the way to the room who was standing in the hallway in his boxers. If it hadn't been 0118 maybe.
Good Travels,
Me promising not to be a grump
Posted by
Ben Denham
9:06 AM
Saturday, June 24, 2006
Canada or Bust
We left Denham Springs Louisiana at 1515 central and it is now 2025. We are 60 miles south of Memphis, TN on 55. We are bound for St. Louis tonight and finally to Lumsden, Saskatchewan.
We were going to leave last night but I had to make a purely political stop off at the Company Picnic which was nice but oh so hot. I won a beach towel with the first draw and all was not for a loss. We also wrestled wits in a competitive game of spades.
313 miles into the trip and yes I am using a wireless card. How sweet is technology?
Western Sizzler is the worst restaurant known to man. This was the second and last visit to this redneck version of Bonanza or farm team version of Ryan's
Good Travels.
Posted by
Ben Denham
8:28 PM
Sad Day or Is it?
Todd had moved from Canuck land down to the golden beaches and Cuban embrace of Florida. Bryan and Alex are traveling with him. Luongo and some no-name defenseman are returning to BC in trade plus a sixth round draft choice like that is about to make things alright. The quote on Yahoo about him being hammered in the current market might be true but DAMN... we down in Louisiana are going to miss Babe in the 44 jersey with marcus and morission.
GOOD BYE TODD and god speed young man.
Posted by
Ben Denham
8:18 PM
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Oh My God! I am so Bored!
I hate waiting on others. Two huge... I mean huge projects or more like ISSUES are rolling down the pipeline and although I am not the owners of these cancers but I am the saviour by grace of being the only developer on-site. SO here I sit having cleared my day to work on their problems in a futile attempt to make everyone in the Multiverse happy but no data or confirmation. I can't part water or turn water into Mountain Dew until someone gives me the raw datrrrr to work with so I changed my auto insurance to Louisiana, inquired about home owner insurance, ran the back up tapes, coordinated a company wide email to notify the masses of free lunch tomorrow, and updated my Neopets. Yes, I am 31 years old and I am a recreational Neopet player, KISS ME FURRY ASS. Oh and for your information, I don't have to put a suit on to be FURRY.
But I still haven't started either one of these high priority missions and I am getting anxious. DONT WASTE MY TIME! Oh, I did get bored and print out the listing (aka dah source code) for my security asp application and go line by line trying to uncork whatever mistake I had made. Who knew that you can't debug asp real-time? I suck at his web shit. (I guess I better learn aspx and brush up on xml before I get left behind.) Anyways I found the error and felt like I was back in college.
Alright, Sissy is at the library harvesting resources for her around-the-corner thesis with her eccentric, bubble butt, ultra-feminist lamprey. I must say if there is one friend of my sweets that I would love to collar and flog, this would be the one. Not cuz I dislike her but cuz I would get supreme gratification with putting a thatch work of angry red welts across her naked booty.
Good Travels to those heading from Terrace, to Kelowna, and from Red Stick,
Happy Spankings
ps. Don't mix Grumpy with Horny
Posted by
Ben Denham
12:32 PM
Friday, June 16, 2006
I am trying to figure out or more correctly, Decide. On whether or not to continue journaling to blogger or to jump ship back to LJ. My Red is on LJ and I too was on that forum but I had to find another medium for my musing when my ex started sniffing around my buddy list and such. I am rather ambiguous on here as I don't believe more than one other soul actually reads my daily or bi weekly thoughts.
I have a busy day of riding, servicing the truck(and no not on my knees), shaving, cleaning the truck, getting the newly bayou plated car inspected so it is street legal.
Red is out and about in San Antonio with her two running buddies. Last phone call they were into their fifth shot of Tequila. Should be interesting. She will have fun. I can't wait to hear the stories that are generated before this night is over.
Good travels and safe drinking
Still Bachelor 42
Posted by
Ben Denham
11:17 PM
Thursday, June 15, 2006
Where has the list gone?
You may ask yourself. Self, where has the cool list for the Canadian vacation gone? Well my mind has been sidetracked with a rather heavy work load at you guessed it, work. Hate when that happens. And the incredible, invisible stress that comes with buying a new home. I am washed over with trepidation. Should I buy? Am I wanting too much. Is the note and residence going to sap away my nomadic spirit?
Do I actually have any nomadic spirit left to sap? Jealousy. I can't believe when I was dropping Red off at the port that I got jealous of the other passengers. Three couples going to Cozumel (not my flavour of tea) and another was going to Costa Rica. I wanted to drop to my knees and scream why couldn't have I married a balding lawyer who could whisk me away to far off exotic and erotic resorts. Ok I am not a resort dude but you get the idea. I don't have penis envy, I have disposiable income envy.
Good travels to all and extra kudos to those that aren't filthy rich but still living the wanderlust ways.
I need to buy a lottery ticket because I sure as hell am not going to come about this the honest way.
Posted by
Ben Denham
10:14 PM
Baching it
Only five hours into my three day jail sentence called Bachelor Life and things aren't looking good. I dropped the contents of two taco supremes and a nacho bell grande down the front of my shirt. I have a meeting in 11 minutes and one right after. I am a slob.
Baby is in San Antonio visiting her caramel skinned best buddy who in the same breath is kinkishly hot and my dire nemesis. She will also stop in to visit another pal of her childhood who believes I have a crush on her. All this because I am a flirt and think crash talking should be in the olympic games.
True I am a horny man and haven't stayed faithful in a single relationship since the age of 15 but things are different. How so? I truly can't put me finger down on it. But it has something if not everything to do with a red head, a giggle, and an elusive butt cheer.
Good Travels to all,
Bachelor Number 42
Posted by
Ben Denham
12:53 PM
Friday, June 09, 2006
Tempted by the Open Road
We were almost tempted to head out of town tonight but we have some pricey trips planned for the end of the month so we are going to stay in town.
I do miss the open road. The household Diva is off to San Antonio next week so I am actually going to have to fend for myself for a change. I can't remember the last time that I had to cook a meal.
I have been transparent at work this week, my nose down programming a great deal of the time. I like creating and getting away from the inner office politics for a time. It breathes a little energy into my soul as if I am an artist or something.
I am wanting to start writing again. Something with space exploration but I don't really know yet. One thing that is a definite is that my vessel is going to have a space slut aboard.
Good Travels
Posted by
Ben Denham
2:28 PM
Saturday, June 03, 2006
85 and a deep loss
85 - Haunted Valley. Location of the great snowshoe races of my last two visits.
The boys lost tonight. I am not blaming it on my gf but she did forget to put her jersey on the past two losses. We had greek food and tempted the heart burn gods.
We are trying to find somewhere to hike tomorrow or even canoe. Someone has the bug.
Safe Travels
Posted by
Ben Denham
10:40 PM
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
87. My girlfriend is a big fan of art galleries so Mackenzie Art Gallery in Regina
86. Poutine
Hard to start the week on a Tuesday. Needless to say, all the my appointments got kicked back to Wednesday.
The boys won tonight on the hard wood and it all because of Naked Jersey Night. You can just guess but we purchased a uniform for each sport and when the time and magic is needed we pull them out.
Happy Travels
Posted by
Ben Denham
11:23 PM
Monday, May 29, 2006
90-88 and update on Memorial Day Weekend
90. Watch the fireworks for Canada Day
89. BBQ at bro's new place in Regina
88. Pick fresh strawberries at the Gardens in Craven
Sunday was marvelous. Lovely talked me into taking up an invite to hit the river in style. In style is just how we did it. Had a wonderful time blazing through the swamps, canal, and the 7 foot deep lake that you can't see the other side. We anchored at a sand bar and drank beer while floating away. A wonderful time was had and some incredible new folk were met.
Today we lounged and went to Da Vince Code. Kinda like National Treasure and less exciting Indiana Jones but all in all it was a good movie.
Safe Travesl to all
Posted by
Ben Denham
3:41 PM
Friday, May 26, 2006
100 things to do on Our Canadian Vacation 100-91
100. Reach the High Point of North Dakota
99. Reach the High Point of South Dakota
98. See Mount Rushmore
97. See Crazy Horse
96. Butler's at Regina Beach for Fish and Chips
95. Boston Pizza for Schooners and Electronic Golf
94. Buffalo Jump
93. Northern Lights aka Aura Borealis (sp?)
92. Have pizza at The Valley
91. Walk around Wascana Lake
Watch as we make it to number one.
Good Travels
Any way you can.
Posted by
Ben Denham
9:39 PM
Travel Channel Hmmm
We watched a program on the tube tonight called Take 5 on the travel channel. They were in New Zealand and attempted 100 free things to do in Wellington in one week. I thought it was a novel idea and decided a new list for our trip at the end of next month.
Wait for it.
Posted by
Ben Denham
9:34 PM
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Hairy Hump Day
This week is much like a building orchestra. It started out quiet with a few wind instruments, maybe a flute or something, and a splash of symbols. But it is growing. Add some kettel drums, brass instruments, faint strings, and more symbols.
The start of the week was so tame and if asked I would have been hard pressed to defend the existence of my job at this small pharma but now I am the man. People here and there turning me for data and answers. My software finally arrived so I can start making my internet trivia game pretty and pleasing to the eye which I guess is the same thing.
Tommorrow is going to be a hail storm of issues. I am going to be moving here and there. Big event in our company's future and only a few folks know about it.
Well going to take the slightly depressed Freckled Sex Pot out to dinner in a hope to raise her spirits and bring out the inner Diva.
Good Travels
Posted by
Ben Denham
4:57 PM
Friday, May 19, 2006
Reflection Pool Friday
I believe this post is fueled by two slices of supreme pizza and two sugar glazed donuts. One Sec. Have to adjust the arms on this chair as they are making this process difficult. Ok, much better.
Before I get too far into this . I want to send a shout out and bit of thanks to the Hive's Queen as her fresh set of eyes and keen nose for what looks good and what looks like crap was instrumental in polishing my web dev project. I let her navigate my creation on the laptop while I sat patiently scribbling everything she said onto my pocket PC Or PPC.
I want to talk about stress and how having children in the AO 24/7 puts pressure on the soul and a budding relationship. I have spoken at lengths I am sure about how it effects me but I have really not addressed the toil it takes on House Hold 6.
Coupled with having two young boys, one almost a man and one still too much a babe, Red Riding Hood has found herself in the middle of a teaching position. Terrible and bigot administration, a near 100% estrogen staff, and a 45 minute commute have worn her paper thin. I can see in photos the difference between today and December of last year. Her health is suspect to start with but pile on these additional worries and she is on a one way track to something.
I have also noticed it is not just the boys but also in some aspects shielding me from boys so that I don't get burnt out or shielding the boys from me. I lack the patience that you inherently acquire when you share blood with another human being.
I am not saying that it is all bad but it has its moments. As if no other negative factors could add to the mixture, you are forced to take into consideration the absolute terrible neighbourhood that we reside in. The kids are trash and most of the parents are trash. The apartment is too damn small and we are constantly on top of each other. There is no escape except to go to work.
All this is a terrible burden on my sweet cherry's shoulders.
Attempting to purchase a small, nice home in a better burrow with one more bedroom and one more water closet. This will help.
The boys are leaving for the summer to be with their father and that will give us our nice break but much is needed to be accomplished in their absence.
Cross yo fingers as we search for a shack.
Posted by
Ben Denham
1:36 PM
Monday, May 15, 2006
Four Days of Active Living and I need a break
Thursday: 1 mile walk around South Park then shag some balls. Brother JEB played pick up with some boys. BC shagged and complained.
Friday: Shagged balls. BC ran off to play while Momma hit balls for me so that I could pull out my shoulder. Couldn't leave the park without knocking the tennis ball around for a bit. It was nice to see the increased mobility of Sweets and her back.
Saturday: A boiling game of baseball at the Y then a cool off in the pool. It was a great day except for the Lane Swimming Nazi.
Sunday: Mother's Day. Clark's Creek. The boys loved it and Momma pretended to like it.
Monday: Had to take a break from being healthy.
Personal Day.
Posted by
Ben Denham
10:18 PM
Friday, May 12, 2006
We play Dress Up
Good day today. I was forced to go to work today in what the boss calls Business Sharp. For those who really know me, you know my idea of business casual. Flip Flops and Hiking shorts. Anyways. Bossman has always been there for me and I am trying to squeeze some project management training out of him so I dressed the part.
It was dog and pony show upstairs which means I had to be quiet, no problem as I am really a recluse in my closet of an office sandwiched between the guard office and the elevator. The problem with this all comes from the HVAC system which when it turns creates this odd revibration that sounds identical to an aircraft taking off. The conference was going on and in order avoid foremention 747 taking off they decided to do what? Turn off the AC! I was boiling in my office.
I had a great convo with the apps manager and like a kid in a candy shop I was off to order some expensive software to aid in my web dev work. I made it half way through the process when I realized I ordered the wrong crap. I will have to return the one and start all over again.
Had a little humbling convo with one of the inspectors. We were talking about different things and she brought up how I mentioned my bonus a few months ago. She said it was in bad taste and I even tried to argue my case a bit. But I sucked up my initial desire to tell her what I had done was in jest but she explained about how it had really caused some friction a few years back. She was genuine in what she was saying and sounded almost maternal. I took it for what it was and appreciate it from where it came from. It doesn't hurt that she is in her early sixties and spitting image of my mother. Pride cut down a bit.
Came home. Changed and the three of us went off to shag balls and practice my pitching to kids. It ended up just being the gf and I but it was really fun. I did pull some of my shoulder but that didn't prevent us from laughing, sitting in the grass and discussing things. We even made it over to hit some tennis balls around. They say the relationships that truly last are the ones where you discuss the relationship freely and understand it dynamics.
I am a lucky dude.
Love to travel.
Posted by
Ben Denham
9:03 PM
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
Whoever puts these national surveys together about the worst traffic and forgets to put back assward Baton Rouge on the list is an absolute MORON. It took me 2 and a half hours to get home today all thanks to a ten car pile up on the interstate. It wouldnt be that big of a deal if the oxygen thieves that call themselves city officials had invested any time in planning instead of lining their pockets with taxpayer dollars.
I was highly suspicious when Baton Rouge voted in a Black mayor as I thought he won just on the color of his skin which makes sense as he is representative of the majority of residents. Guess we can't have South Africa all over again and have the minority whites ruling over the majority blacks. But Kip Holden has done a bang up job. He and his administration have made some minor changes on the roadways that on most days cut the commute time in almost half but when the crap hits the fan and the interstates are locked up due to bottle necks in lanes, hazmat spills, or like today accidents on a bridge, we are all screwed.
Just imagine what it is like when folks evacuate NOLA during the hurricanes. They come out of new orleans on 10 west and after the lake can continue on 10 or divert north of 55 which eventually hits 12. So the bulk of the Big Easy is travelling on these two highways fleeing for their lives or something like that.
Guess where 12 and 10 join again? In the middle of Baton Rouge. Dumb Ta Dumb.
Good travels unless you are driving in Baton Rouge.
ps. An ipod loaded with podcasts of dirty stories does take the edge off of it all.
Posted by
Ben Denham
8:09 PM
Sunday, May 07, 2006
Sunday Down Down Pours
Sundays which were earlier reserved for laundry and groceries is now elevated to grocery shopping, aquarium water changing, cartoon watching, and philosophy of parenting debates.
Wait. Cartoons. Ghost Hunters. And anything that pops up on Disney channel. Slave to the television tastes of a nine year old. Spending some quality time, seeing that we had an episode after the movies last night.
Don't know what to do with all my free time. The oldest and the gf are napping in the bed. It is sweet to see a 6'1" 16 year old cuddling up with his mother. They had a tense few moments this afternoon about hitting the youngest. We deviate in the methodology at this point and I reportedly sounded like spoiled brat. BUT sounding like a spoiled brat and being a spoiled brat are two different animals, I have issues making the difference.. What I do believe it may be is my feelings from last night boiling over to today.
Fish Notes. I think the tanks are cycled. There is no need to do huge water changes but just gallon changes so that I can collect some snails bodies, fish crap, and onetime food. Small sections at a time. Once every two weeks and now I am only feeding them once a day. I finally found what the gibes like and it is frozen shrimp shaved in flakes. This seems to be the key and now they are more active eaters. This gives me a piece of mind as these little guys have been around for a good length of time. I walk in every day and get me a kiss then straight to the boys. Another odd point is that my feeder ghost shrimp that the Walmart lady gave up for our Puffer a few months still are kicking it in the fresh water camp. They have a gang thing going on. They disappear for days at a time but I now have found their hang out. They chill on driftwood. The huge snails are doing great but the common pond snails have all but disappeared.
Safe Travels.
Checked out video recorders and adapter run fridges for meds for the truck. Cant wait for the trip to Saskatchewan. Actually ran over possible routes over lunch.
Posted by
Ben Denham
5:00 PM
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Ask and Thou Shall Receive
Yesterday I was commenting to a coworker that we just don't have good storms in Louisiana. Not like the ones in Saskatchewan and guess what happened?
4 O'dark-thirty the lightning started to strike around the apartment complex and windows started to rattle. It woke everyone except gf who is battling a extremely messed up back with Oxycodone.
Another tedious day. Only completed two test scripts. There is a mini conference downtown BR thursday friday which I just found out about. Going to see if the bossman will let me out of the house for a bit to check in on what they have to offer.
With all said and done I would just like to comment on the fact I haven't won the lottery in a long time. Following the storm logic, I will be posting tomorrow morning that I am now an instant millionaire and quitting my job to become a professional nomad and semi-professional adult movie actor starring in my own sizzling series, "Humping around the Globe."
Posted by
Ben Denham
4:41 PM
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Chocolate Tycoon
I had no earthly idea. I brought a box of chocolates to work for bc (Birth Control) and without active solicitation I sold 20 boxes at 2 dollars a piece in less than two days. I just had no idea. One pregnant lady became downright hostile when I explained to her that we didn't have a secret stash for her to purchase from. She went on and on. So I know what I am going to do for a living after I retire from Pharma. I am going to supply charity candy at a nominal fee and live off the sheer profits on a house boat in the lakes of Minnesota.
Today was frustrating as Validation and scripts can become so very cumbersome. It seems like it always takes hours to complete the simplest of tasks and that is if it doesn't require some sort of signature. I have come to hate the word signature.
Had dinner with the consultant and the new project manager tonight. Semi nice end to a rough day.
On another note, no IT days for me. I have heard it is for the short term but I am convinced this is a permanent move. I am relieved but this might create some bad blood between myself and local IT.
Had a heart to heart via cell phone with gf. She senses a chasm growing between us, I don't see it. She believes I am on the verge of temptation, I don't feel it. I was so given the opportunity to voice my concern that didn't go over too well but I guess that is what happens sometimes.
SF was fun but it is nice to be back in the mix of things. I am really looking forward to heading to Canada in June/July.
GOOD Travels and Safe Sleeps.
Posted by
Ben Denham
9:13 PM
Sunday, April 23, 2006
Sunday Oh Sunday
One day until back to work. Ok I did work Friday but that was just housekeeping. I did weight-in with my competition and I had not lost a single pound. I lost the comp but she had to change into shorts and move around on the scale to get the right weight. The obvious unfair element wasn't even worth comment. I lost 50 dollars but I did get an almost show.
This weekend has been strange from the odd bbw rights movie Phat Girlz to my real lack of patience with the youngest. I am still learning how to be a father and sometimes I have my fill.
All said and done, I have now become addicted to Puzzle Pirates. Another online gaming world.
Happy Travels
SF was great. Galveson is next then Canada.
Posted by
Ben Denham
6:49 PM
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
Sunday, April 16, 2006
SF D-Day
Today was travel day.
We made it to the airport in reasonable time and in reasonable health. I found long term right up front and only a few things were left behind.
- Hygenie Kit for Juan
- Poncho by Momma
When we hit the ground it was a little chaotic and we were debating public transport or taxi. The taxi only cost 31.50 so that was a steal for a piece of mind. Our hotel is down in downtown and it is a bustle with activity.
This trying to feel out the kids. The youngest has a problem with listening and both children despite being world travelers are very sheltered. We were approaced twice by beggars just trying to get a meal at Burger King and I am feeling the stress of having now to watch over four people instead of just the two of us.
This will be a great test to see if I am going to be able to handle family vacations. This was definitely a big test. I don't know if I am going to get to enjoy this in my old fashion and I am also wondering if I am going to find the enjoyment of a family vacation before it is too late.
This is a test for me also I guess. To see if I can step up to be a family man.
Mountains surround and freaks abound. This is my type of city. It has something to it. A special spirit.
Good Travels.
If you are into the Easter thing. Happy Easter. If you are not, well Happy Plastic-Egghunting-Pastel-Wearing-Chocolate-Eating.
Posted by
Ben Denham
12:33 AM
Update on Laser Tag
David the Destroyer
Dawson Crazy Creek
Ben Denham
Killer Kelsey
Camo Kimberly
Just Joe
Ridiculous Ricki The Sniper
Super Scary Scott
Austin City Limits
Birthday Boy Jornado
Deer Hunter
I will post the Head Mistress in a bit cuz she gets a post of her own.
Posted by
Ben Denham
12:07 AM
Thursday, April 13, 2006
Mission: San Fran
I want to see:
- Golden Gate Bridge
- Chinatown
- Alcatrez
- Pier 39
that is all I can think of at this point.
Posted by
Ben Denham
4:25 PM
Thursday and a Bday party
It seems like it is everyone's birthday today. Our downstairs neighbour and his step daughter have their special day today and also a lady at work. The lady at work had a cake with yummy strawberry whip cream icing. I just ate the icing and it was so good. Had chicken spaghetti for lunch, my god that woman can cook. It went to benefit March of Dimes and one lady did all the cooking. She pronounced that she also makes a mean Quail but I don't know how eager I am to take her up on that.
IT day today and I kept the course like a good little beaver. Things ran out for me to do so I walked the halls alot trying to find things to do or people to harass. I found a little of each but my afternoon left unrewarding and uneventful.
Gf is coming all the way over here to Port Allen to go out for drinks with my coworkers. I think she needs the opportunity to unwind and she has no school tomorrow. Two short days until we leave from San Fran and I am devilishly excited. I guess I will read the guide book on the plane.
Safe Travels
Posted by
Ben Denham
4:08 PM
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
Tumbling Tuesday
Well nothing bad to say about today. It isn't IT day as I opted out to rearrange my new office and make myself available to talk to the consultant.
I like my new office. It is homey. Small. Fashionable. Sleek. Sexy. Sorry, I am listening to the radio at the same time as I write this and my office instantly took on all the features of a leather wallet being peddled on a commercial.
What can I say? Things are really going well. The house part is gliding along and the work part is almost always good. I even had a visitor for an hour. My friend from the cube farm that missed me. She is interesting, easy on the eyes, and obviously bored. My gf thinks I am a big flirt which I might be guilty of but at least I keep her in the loop. I know there is a bit of flirting that goes on in her little professional world that never reaches my ears. So all in all I am guilty of honesty.
My ex-wife im'd me last night and that brissled my gf's back. It isn't like she had anything important to say. It always degrades into a pissing match.
San Fran is just around the corner and I can't find our guide book. I am so pissed.
Great Travels
Posted by
Ben Denham
12:25 PM
Saturday, April 08, 2006
Big Day
The day started with our first baseball game of the season. It was fun and I worked through MY nervousness long after the boys on the field. I even got my bright red coach shirt which I wore with a definite pride. There were several issues with the rules and our primary coach is animated and tempered so I had to get out in the field and share my enthusiam and joy.
After the game we went to Wally World and picked up some LSU clothing, a kid's digital camera, and a bat bag. Still had to get something for the boy regardless of what we threw out for the bday party.
THE BDAY party!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Laser Tag. It was absolutely incredible. Only five out of twelve kids showed up but it was nice as all the parents were able to take the empty spots and everyone had the opportunity to play. Three games didn't seem like enough at the start but it was just right and the staff had the cake and pizza perfectly timed.
I sweated. I taunted four foot tall girls and had the time of my life.
Time for bed... I am sore and tired.
Posted by
Ben Denham
10:06 PM
Thursday, April 06, 2006
Movie Recommendations
Quills - Life of Marquis de Sade in an insane asylum. (I have yet to see this but a friend recommended it and the tag line was interesting enough to have me hit up Blockbuster on the way home. I am even thinking of having a Risque Movie night with all the classics.)
Secretary - good flick; the actress is extremely hot and her stockings are just gravy. (Any place where they can work BDSM into film is an A+ to me.)
The Cook the thief his wife and her lover - kinda sounds like the drama in my apartment complex. I saw this one as a teenager and can't remember if it was good or not but I remember one thing - it was dirty.
Caligula - Need I say more.
Posted by
Ben Denham
8:27 AM
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
25 days of training. Ummm.
Well had some big issues that pulled me out of training. I had a lot of details written then I realized it would not be good to share all that.
Lessons Learned.
Document, document, and document.
I don't think the training is going too well but it is really outside of my scope.
Gf has been looking absolutely yummy as of late. It all started with her grand entrance from class last night.
Great Travels
(Ha. Side Bar) I never told you why it was such a breakthrough. You might have wondered why the title did not match the content of the post. I was lost in the nut roll of the past few days. I have been working on and off with this web based trivia game that I am creating from scratch instead of payin 1500 per 25 seats for an already polished software package. I finally cracked the ODBC issues and am now sending some of the scoring to an Access database. The score is going over but not all of the answers. It is a big leap but I still have a bunch of hurdles in front of me like removing a login page and adding a script that grabs a session key or a call to the pc for the win login info. Anyways big news but I am the only one that understands the significance. I need geek friends so I can talk about this stuff with them. (End of Side Bar)
Posted by
Ben Denham
9:23 PM
Monday, April 03, 2006
Deadly Duo
Saturday we dropped the boys and $40 off at Celebration Station. An Oyster Bar was our first destination and I wasn't impressed with the oysters for a place that puts it in their name.
Well that was hardly the key to the day. I picked up a 225 mag at the airport on Friday and two pages in I found a necklace that screamed to me to be purchased and placed around the neck of my gf. It wasn't that easy as I soon found out. We went to Lee Michaels but no Mont Blanc but lots and lots and oh lots more to look at. 3500 in pearls and 1600 in an awesome aquamarine chocker. Andy the salesman was to call me back today and alas he did but I wasn't able to field his call. Will keep you posted on that one.
The boys were not quite ready to be picked up from the Station so we stopped at Backpacker and looked at many things as well as canoes. She wants a Mad River Adventure 16 rather than jewelry. You have to love a woman like that and I do. I will think it over and get back with you.
Anyways the internet is terribly patchy so I might have to wait to post this.
Great Travels.
Posted by
Ben Denham
10:03 PM
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
King Cut Prime Rib
Last night we went out to the local nice restaurant in the small town where the corporate office is located. I had snapper turtle soup and the LARGEST damn cut of beef I have ever seen. It was every bit of 42 ounces of medium rare perfection. We did in two bottles of wine there.
End up at the hotel bar watching the LSU girls play. Five or six beer there and three shots of Southern Comfort. We went from there to Finnagels, a Irish pub where the waitresses are rude and highly inefficient.
Today I feel like crap, my head hurts and my stomach feels like it is going to explode. Plus to kick it off it is hot as hell in this room.
I think I am going to sneak away at lunch and nap.
Great Travels and Damn Hang overs.
Posted by
Ben Denham
10:06 AM
Sunday, March 26, 2006
Sunday Showers
I am wrapped in two volumnious towels and my woobie. I just had my first hot shower since Thursday morning. It seems our blessed hot water heater went on the fritz and it took until Sunday morning when me the lady were spooning for the landlord to show up.
One of the goldfish died also today but oddly enough that was a theme in the movie we were watching called Domino. As soon as the movie was over we looked at the big tank and alas one of the goldies was laying on his or her side on the bottom. Oh incredibly weird.
LSU won again against improbable odds and my 12 dollars for the NCAA tourney is all but lost. I am more a Zags and West Virginia fan. Big Baby. Now I want a better nickname if I become famous.
Have a great seven hours before you have to wake up and head to the grind.
ps Soft porn on Oxygen. What the hell, I feel like I am in Europe again. (Lesbian action at that.)
Nipple. I saw damn Nipple.
Posted by
Ben Denham
11:14 PM
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
IT comes a Knockin on Tuesdays
My boss was in town but that wasn't enough justification to get out of my mandatory slave day. I know I should bitch because I do get alot out of it but I also believe it messes with my flow work wise.
Did my best to smooth over some relations with corporate but still have some folks up there that keep a grudge. I will try the lunch thing when I am up there next week and see if that helps anything.
WOW. I really have nothing to say. The gf is frustrated over the neighbourhood kids but I think that will persist until we buy or move to another rental.
Great Travels
ps. I didn't get my tribal crazy woman painted in black and red last night as I had hoped but there is always tomorrow.
Posted by
Ben Denham
7:27 PM
Monday, March 20, 2006
Vernal Equinox
Yes folks, today is Vernal Equinox day. Well I don't know if it has an official government sanctioned holiday but it definitely is the Wiccan Sabbat of Ostara. The holiday of Spring Cleaning. Funny how most fun Christian holidays are really adaptations of Pagan sabbats. The goddess that governs Ostara is Eoster. hmmm. minus an o and add an A and you have... Easter.
This would have pissed me off. Here I had been waiting all year for the day to roll around. I knew I would get off working all day in the fields under the iron thumb of an oppressive Duke and come home to lather up in drawn butter and run around the forest in a sticky orgy of the flesh. But instead Rome comes along and says to me, Mr Pagan instead of moresome with breasty earthy chicks with no inhibitions you will instead be hunting for multicolored chicken eggs laid by a genetically confused rabbit all to celebrate the re-birth of Jesus.
Speaking of Rabbits! I saw the most alarming portrait of a man/rabbit at the LSU Union art gallery. Ummm can you say Danny Darko. My sweet gf's friend had a showing. I hate when women are so short that you can't cop a cheap feel when you bend over to hug them. She does have a juicy booty. I am not a sexism pig, I am addicted to Mountains and curvy women.
I am feeling better after the awkward weekend. I was frustrated at the behavior of the youngest and took it out on the gf who is reeling from stress at work, stress from school, and of course the actions of her two young ones. Doesn't seem fair in retrospect and I have apologized many times.
It is a work in progress.
Great Travels and Grand Pagan Orgies if you are into that kind of stuff.
Posted by
Ben Denham
12:48 PM
Friday, March 17, 2006
Kind of a funeral of sorts. Nothing major. The day has finally come. I knew it was going to come because no relationship can be so good for so long. I feel like the honeymoon is over and a tad of that invincible magic is gone.
NO we did not have a fight. Just the interactions after a long day of work for her and some annoying, selfish kids. I was candid to the point it hurt her feelings and I couldn't apologize. She responded with "Yes Dear" and that was the verbal equivalent to a period at the end of a really bad sentence. I sat at the edge of the bed, mesmerized by my inability to react or decide a next action or say something funny to ease the tension.
There are other things. I contemplated stopping at a bar for a st patties day beverage just to delay my return to the apartment. I could tell by two telephone conversations, brief as they were, that I wasn't coming home to a happy environment.
We snuck to the bedroom to cuddle. We weren't on the same page. I want passion. I want hands all over me and lips too for that matter. She wants to forget her terrible day. We snuggled but selfish me was left wanting more. I don't want to screw... I just want to be the center of her world.
With all that said, I am still the luckiest man on earth and deeply in love.
Good Travels.
Posted by
Ben Denham
6:19 PM
Happy Kiss an Irish Day
My grandparents were immigrants from Dublin, Ireland so I expect plenty of kisses today. Maybe a few on my blarney stone.
Another day with no IT presence on-site.... hmmm wonder how many "hey-you's" I will encounter. My mouse doesn't work. My laptop won't turn on. I COULD NEVER WORK ON A HELPDESK. How lucky am I that I didnt' take that job at Aegis Mortgage. That was a Helpdesk position with absolutely zero human interaction.
I am making the most of my cube. It is almost bearable save for the afternoon when the production dudes come up off the floor and start debating tithing and if Jesus pays interest. It is hard to program or focus on anything with them yelling to be heard over each other. My headphones are useless at this point.
BREAKING NEWS: My ex-wife is a bonafide swinger. She was so excited to tell me. Why you ask was I talking to her in the first place, the IRS thing remember? I will have to keep you posted on the developments as she slips further into debauchery and finds cryptic ways of informing me. Oh as a side bar, she was a frigid bitch that went months without sex while we were married.
The big parade is tomorrow and I am happy as hell. This is my favorite one all parade season and rightly so as it rivals even Spanish town as the best parade in Baton Rouge. (Mardi gras parade + green beads + green beer = St Pat's Parade in Baton Rouge.)
Good Travels!
(What is the use of having a company wide email and voice mail system when everyone ignores them?)
Posted by
Ben Denham
7:25 AM
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
No and I am not talking about the fact that I haven't done my taxes quite yet. I think I am still hung up on the $44.00 I owe the federal government. A certain co-worker will tell you that I get a butt load of services back in return for a ungodly slice of my salary but I believe she will argue a point just to argue.
IRS would indicate the man who came to my trailer that I lived at four years ago looking to make a claim. OK. Umm. Alright. Every bit of this sounds fishy. My ex-wife left a message on my work phone to that extent although she seemed to miss the fact that is smelt like tuna. I mean if by some rare rare chance that this is truely the IRS, I am really not worried. I don't make enough to have them take back and I don't itemize. I have the last two or so years on the H and R block server and the rest might have hit the trash with the divorce.
Date night last night. Went to Ruth's Chris. It was a great time. The gf and I matched in brown, her halter was low cut and let the girls shine like old man eye magnets. One more restaurant marked off the list. Now I think it is time for Flemings down by Whole Foods.
Today I worked on and generated a Global Environment Policy for my company, I am quite proud of the bee charming bull shit that I slopped into two pages. We are a terribly efficient and clean company to start with because of federal regulations that govern us so this is all icing and aimed straight at the top. I think some tangible things will come out of this, like some enviro organizations getting a little money for their charity work so all is not lost in bureaucracy.
Good Travels
Posted by
Ben Denham
12:42 PM
Friday, March 10, 2006
Sweet Friday
No real plans tonight but at least it is Friday. What can I say, a day that starts with a quickie has plenty of potential.
Had a number of appointments and meetings scheduled today but one by one everyone cancelled on me. I was able to get a load of paper work done, sign up for vacation in April (San Fran), and get to a custom report my boss has been hinting at for three days.
They came at me to develop something by Wednesday to present to the vendor about pocket pcs and the sd- scanner. I am now officially boy wonder or at least in their eyes I am. I also have that self - imposed deadline of Friday for the web based trivia game. Ugh.
Boss was discussing offices again today with one of the managers and I didn't even try for an office. I am sitting pretty as it is. All comes in time. Better for me to give me an office than to have me ask for one.
Posted by
Ben Denham
3:16 PM
Thursday, March 09, 2006
Windy Thursday
Weather today was terribly windy. It reminded me of the great wind storms from Saskatchewan and my youth. So it was a good day.
Today was also my IT day. What can I say about that? Nothing that I haven't said before.
Gf finally went to the doctor and along with new drugs she has been adviced to not participate in Recreational Feats of Pleasure. LOL. I love that wording and it clearly indicates that I am not going to get oral sex tonight. She has an infection in her lungs.
Baldo The Clown aka the pistol wielding temporary worker that lives next door was confrontational and mocking, going to be something bad in the future with that one.
Posted by
Ben Denham
8:37 PM
Thursday, March 02, 2006
Day Four: Sea World
You may ask.... where the hell went Day Three? Day Three was a number of sessions and a short excursion to Chevy's Mexican restaurant. Eating in the lounge and watching the tail end of a boring NBA basketball game.
They couldn't get me a flight out today so I am leaving tomorrow morning. I took advantage of the free day in San Diego and visited Sea World. I dont' think this is recommended if you are alone but I made a day of it. I like alot of it ... Sea Lions, Dolphins, and the Killer Whales. The Killer Whales were a little of a let down but that rotates around the fact I would rather see them without the crowds and in the wild. I don't mind dolphins jumping and spinning but it seems beneath the majestic orca. I guess I am just prejudice.
The crowds sucked ass as the day grew in length but the commute was painless. I hope it is smooth sailing to the airport in the morning.
Bye for Now
Still trying to figure out what to eat tonight. Trying to fly under the radar after the $110.00 Tuesday night.
Posted by
Ben Denham
5:34 PM
Tuesday, February 28, 2006
Day Two: Del Mar
First day of the actual seminar. It wasn't that bad. I made modifications to the schedule they set down but didn't skim away from sessions that I thought might add value. Lunch was actually good and very Californian.
I skipped out at 1405, ran back to the room, and changed into shorts and a T shirt. I hit Torrey Pines State Preserve. A long public beach framed on one side by tall red cliffs and roaring surf on the other. When I pulled up folks from Sea World and the Ranger's Station were attempting to net a Elephant seal but it nimbly avoided capture and indignantly found the surf after cussing at the pesky humans.
I motored on down the beach and almost got beaned by a falling rock while taking a photo of a "No Nudity" sign. This was the point when I met Ruth Nutt, a retired Biotech lady with snow white hair and a great personality. Her home is in Sante Fe but she has a condo from her working years in Del Mar. Nice lady. German turns out. Talked to this young lady for almost thirty minutes.
Made it back to the parking lot in time to watch a wedding party taking photos in the surf.
Got some good leads on dining for tonight and will shower before heading out to conquer the culinary world.
(Prawns, squash soup, seared scallops, and a $44 bottle of Two Hands Gnarly Dudes Shiraz = 110.00 and one tricky expense report)
Posted by
Ben Denham
6:50 PM
San Macros Experiment
One thing I didn't do last night was sleep well. I have truly become accustom to sleeping in my bed next to my gf who i can hug, fondle, pinch, and sexually harrass through the duration of the night.
I finished my book before I went to bed and thought it was going to last me the night but alas I woke at 4 but refused to actually get up so I tossed and turned.
While tossing and turning, I intellectually stumbled upon the idea of the CJ conference in San Macros. Thinking about the drunkeness and sexual debachuary that ran rampant like a wild fire across the plains of Texas. I wasn't part of this CSI orgy fest but of course I did get my information from a wanton source. Every sticky and steamy detail. I am a great fan of those minute details.
So I started to think about this conference in the same context. I only have one days worth of workshops to judge by but here are some observations so far that promise to prevent a wild tango of oiled bodies in my hotel room despite the fact I have a plush king sized bed.
- I have only seen four women so far in the workshops.
- I have had the longest hair so far
- I haven't seen a woman under forty five (Old Japanese lady, Old Mexican Lady, Old Black Lady, and a Middle aged Korean Lady)
- The lounge last night was old men
- This is the off season for tourism
- The only other group here is Race Investigators and I didnt' see any women standing around that conference.
(Experiment abandonned after researchers deemed the sample size too small. The coordinator was the only one remotely do-able and that was only because she was sexy in a mousy, too tight pants, and I can see your bra through your button up shirt, kind of way.)
Posted by
Ben Denham
9:10 AM
Monday, February 27, 2006
Day One: Del Mar
I know I am going against all conventions set down in the holy grail of travel books, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle maintenance, but I will call today Day One instead of my travel day. The book implores on the idea that you should consider the planning phase and the travel as part of the trip. Good advice and a good motto to live by in other areas but I deviate.
Day One: Initial evaluation of the workshops is that there isn't an equal return of quality for the moneys spent. The information passed along was good but the workshops were long in the tooth. I rescheduled for a Wednesday presentation that I think better suits my needs, a sat through two sessions, and did Eye Lid Maintenance in my hotel room for another.
The I did get off the resort grounds for a few hours and drove down the coast toward San Diego. It had a trendy California feel to it and all the sheikness one would stereotype to this area of the country. I saw four ferrairis which is a clear indication of excess money.
I ate in an expensive Italian restaurant overlooking the breaking waves of the Pacific and somehow escaped with only 24 dollars spent. I had a wonderful rendered potato soup, a basil and sundried tomato sauce over angel hair, and an expensive and strong Sonoma syrah. I was cramped in the corner but that suited the mood I was in.
Home sick I was. I guess love in one of its facets has something to do with not wanting to experience new things outside the comfort of one's established relationship. I guess that is part of love. I hate to think I will not be able to mountain climb again because I will not be able to part from Sally's side. Maybe she can watch from base camp and is that too much to ask?
I am getting sensitive to the fact that my body is changing. I am getting older and it is getting older but my good habits are fading and my bad are staying the same. I quit snuff but I am still a gregarious eater. I am a fan of soda and an enemy to exercise.
I am getting to that decision point in life. I can feel it. Am I going to have to make some wholesale changes.
Scotland is not that far away. I don't know how long I can wait for Scotland, the desire to begin that journey is overwhelming.
Oh Day -1 factoid: Flights rocked. Emergency row on one and Bulk head on another.... woo hoo
Posted by
Ben Denham
10:27 PM
Friday, February 24, 2006
Bonus Update
A clear half of the bonus has already been put toward the credit card, leaving just under a one hundred dollar bill left to pay on that plastic devil.
Merell - 81.74 done.
Bike Rack - 253.97 done.
50% of the way there folks. Wait for the next saga to begin. I don't believe the sunglasses thing will be that hard but we are definitely dipping into some difficult expenditure when it comes to surprise weekend trip to Vegas.
Word to the people and their 50 million radios.
Posted by
Ben Denham
8:17 PM
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
Bizarre Dream (Definitely NOT for the faint of heart)
Had one of those nightmarish dreams last night that I marvel I can still remember. Usually as soon as you wake up you start to lose the images and ideas until about 9 or so when you previous nights dreams have been completely lost.
I wasn't in the dream persay but I was watching it like an outsider as if in a movie. Small town in what I guess to be the old west but further on in the dream you will see how the time period might be a tad skewed. There were people of all ages, shapes, and sex crowded in the town square, all dressed in western garb (continuing with the old west theme). Everyone was frantic, crying, and screaming. It looked like they were in a mad fury to find something or someone. I assume they were looking for the remainder of the population of the town. A scream came and all attention was drawn to a large building.
This was the town hall or court house but it looked like a barn if you ask me. On the inside it looked more like a church with the tall windows but don't all court houses look like churches anyways.
Here is where it gets odd. We enter the community building, there seems to be this middle age man that everyone is turning to for answers and guidance. He turns and bellows for them to keep the women and children outside. How chivalrous of him.
Hammered to the high walls were the heads of the missing villagers. They were mounted like Deer trophies but the tops of the skulls had been removed and the contents were dripping down to the floor like melting ice.
The men were running around the room angry and shocked. Some were crying. Others were vomiting and losing command of other functions.
The middle aged leader scanned the wall and finally looked down to the huge oak desk in the middle of the room. A teen age girl was hiding underneath.
The dream skips at this point. A jump into the near future.
A futuristic police car and CSI vehicle which looks more like an airport shuttle blaze off from the town in a cloud of dust. All the characters are still wearing drab clothing and suspenders. I am now the teenage girl. Not any teenage girl but the one from Firefly, was it River?
I am standing in a convenience store not a modern one or a old west one. The kind with coke in glass bottles. Two farmers, old men are standing at the front door which is a battered screen door. I can see they are talking but can't hear what they are saying. Something draws their attention and without looking I know what it is. Three men, skinny men, are crossing over a levee covered in sagebrush by an old water tower. This is some way from the store but they seem drunk and are stumbling. Closer two black females like Aunt Jemma sp? cross over the levee closer to the store and doom starts to settle on the teenage girl.
The clerk, a nice lady, asks her what is wrong but I(River) ignore her. I stumble over a pyramid of soup cans making my way for the meat locker in the back of the store. I try to open the door but the butcher's assistant is trying to block it. The assistant looks like a young man but I know she is a butch lesbian. I have no idea where that comes in but the assistant is blocking the door because she knows what is coming.
I slip passed the lesbian with freckles and beautiful short red hair into the meat locker which ends up to be house. Each door is closed in the hallway with white surgical tape over the door jam with 'Body' written on each piece. I heard screams from the front of store after the third door I tried and screams that were human but not human at the same time. I was looking for a place to hide but each door I open I knew that they could find me.
I make it to the back of the store/butcher shop/ white walled house. The butcher is there hacking away at the hind quarters of skinned horse. How the hell I know it is a horse, I again have no clue. Somehow I sneak around the butcher, only inches from his sweaty back. I climb up into the ceiling tiles but I can still see the butcher through a wooden grate. I keep knocking out the tiles and have to climb back down to the floor to put them back in place. I am entirely convinced they will find me.
I hear movement but the butcher is still clueless. I want to tell him but for some reason I think he is his own kind of bad man. I don't know. Maybe that just makes it easier for me to swallow and allow what is going to happen next.
The butcher is attacked. He is pulled away from the grate so I can't see but I can hear everything. He is a huge burly man of about 6 feet and at 340 lbs but he is being gang raped. I can hear him kicking the wall and whimpering and begging. The only response is that human but not human growls.
My gf woke me up at this point to tell me she was off to work. How freaky? This kind of reminds me of the Reaver story from Serenity and that would explain me being River or whatever her name was.
Odd don't' you think?
Posted by
Ben Denham
11:45 AM
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
Spare Day in San Diego
Zoo or Aquarium?
For those out there lurking, feeling free to chime in on your ideas about what to do.
Lurkers are like Virtual Peeping Toms (They make me feel dirty.... and I think I like it).
Posted by
Ben Denham
6:37 PM
Kindred Twisted Warped Souls
Sally or Sissy. She is my companion thorn branch. We wrap around each other, climbing higher and higher while repelling the world with our sharp thorns.
I listen to the images and ideas that flow from her mind to her lips and know they are at times sinister and freaky but all the while know that they are adaptations and sensual spins on the carnal carnival dancing through my own mind.
Her kink compliments my kink. Her furnace fuels my primal aggressiveness. We are a pair.
At times I believe we are a duo of carnivores stalking the weak and feeble. (More like the short, firm, and sexy).
Ah my mind. Ah my Love. Ah my Kinky Kindred.
Ugh Time to do vocab and math. Elementary Geometry REALLY is that hard!
Posted by
Ben Denham
6:28 PM
OH OH OH Saturday
How could I possibly forget?
My conversative dressing lass on my arm has broken her Oklahoma brain wash about showing off the girls. Out they came in a black tank top on Saturday at the Casino, yummy. Jiggling with each step and drawing the eyes like Tittie magnets. (Not that I am one of those shallow cave men kind of bf's but she is too marvelous of a Diva to be held down by other folks stick figure idea of a perfect woman. Ok maybe just a little knuckle dragging caveman.)
Oh Friday. Denim Dress and Stacks. She bent over to grab something off the bed and I could see the cream satin of her panties. Oh yes. So tall in her stacks. (After four years the little things are what set my heart a racing. Corny? I don't give a shit. Sappy? Of course. Live with it.)
Loved the jacket of our friend cuz it was hippy but couldn't take my eyes off my gal. (Might post on this issue later.)
Posted by
Ben Denham
12:56 PM
Can I get a Moment of Silence
The day has finally come. My hemp Canadian Flag adorned man purse has finally blown its last zipper. This is where I must part with my love and retire it from my back pocket.
If someone really loved me they would carefully select me a replacement and give it to me as a gift. Using my credit card would be acceptable as long as it is a surprise.
Posted by
Ben Denham
12:52 PM
Tuesday Not so Bad Tuesday
Pretty decent morning so far. Looks like some projects are finally getting started and rolling. Issues popping up with systems already in place, funny how I have become the poster boy for their failure or success when really I have had very very little to do with them from the start.
NO IT day today but that doesn't mean I won't have one this week. I will be out all next week so I am looking forward to next Tuesday.
Worried about my baby, she is really having a time with this new medication. It does worry me so.
Had lunch with her yesterday at her work and now finally the ladies can put a face to a name. I was rewarded with multiple acts of debauchery for my kindness. Win win if you ask me.
LRCE tonight. I really hate that crap.
Off to a presentation that I just found out about. My sports marketing class is really coming in handy with all these presentations that I fix behind the scenes.
Peace Out
Posted by
Ben Denham
12:00 PM
Friday, February 17, 2006
Additional Ideas for the Money's
Going to get a red Vancouver Canuck's Polo,
maybe some Smith sunglasses or Boille.
Posted by
Ben Denham
8:28 PM
Fun Friday of Fabulous Fun
Can I say that I accomplished nothing today? Of course I could but that would be far from the truth. I didn't accomplish a single thing I had in my mind to do when I was driving into work. Ok that is a lie also. I don't think about work on the way in, I usually fill my mind with the most erotic thoughts one human being can handle. That helps with the drive in, bumper to bumper is very manageable when you have a hard on. Anyways. I got alot done.
Short week next week then off to San Diego. It turns out some high end consultants are coming out the week I am to be gone and I was suppose to be here to babysit and learn. The money that flies around in the drug industry is just mind blowing.
Talking about money. I did nicely with my bonus and raise. I plan on splitting the bonus in half and giving one half to my credit card fr0m the get-go.
The other half is going to the following a weekend trip to Las Vegas, prescription sun glasses, Merrell hiking boots, and the correct mounts to get that bike rack on the Xterra. I am going to get the three physical things then I am going to keep the remaining as a budget for Vegas.
Off to fight a fire before I can head to the house.
Posted by
Ben Denham
2:56 PM
Thursday, February 16, 2006
IT on Thursday
Today went well.
I worked with my hands and did what I would consider Hardware-ish IT slave labour for a good part of the day. I really don't want corporate to get wind of how much this young stud can accomplish or they might find some loop hole to wrestle me under their evil umbrella.
Went to Ninfa's for lunch and could hardly finish my queso which in the past has been little more than a stepping stone to larger dishes. I had an opportunity to weight myself and I am down to 273. I am crediting being sick as two dogs to the loss.
I am looking forward to heading home.
Oh boss asked me again about the title change and I am pretty damn sure we are going to see it through to the end.
On my way home.
Posted by
Ben Denham
3:42 PM
Monday, February 13, 2006
Monday oh Sweet Bloody Terrible Monday
Trying to get back into the flow of things. I have felt in a flunk for a few weeks, of course this is not helped in anyway by the bout of explosive bottom syndrome that I seemed to be afflicted with last week. Three days out and nothing to party about.
Well did get my end of year evaluation done and it does seem like my title change is still in the works. I am more excited about that than the possible raise that is coming down the pipeline.
Like I said tryin to get back in the flow of things. Flow of things also meaning in my relationship with my g/f. I have been out of sorts in that department, feeling as if some flame has become mildly dimmer. I know she is utterly overwhelmed in all things in her life but I can't help but be greedy with my needs.
Anyways screw Mondays and Bacon Ranch sucks ass by the way.
I hope tomorrow is better.
Posted by
Ben Denham
8:25 PM
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
Monday on a Wednesday
My cosmic clock is all awry. It is wednesday officially but my body is telling me it is Monday. I called in sick yesterday and missed my IT day so I am making it up today. This is not ideal as I have plenty to do.
My ex-boss and one of my internal customers told me this morning that we are going 'Green', something he assumed I was instantly akin to as I am a hippy. This means more work for yours truly but am sure I can spin it to my advantage in some form or another.
People seem to be quite hostile today and have already had a confrontation with one employee who thought by me putting Big Brother on his computer I was aiding the 'Man' with spying on the black man. I am not quite sure where this came from.
On the subject of Race Relations. Walking around the warehouse I heard two radios on the same station discussing the NOLA mayor's "Chocolate New Orleans" comment. These were African American oriented stations and they were having fun with it. Can someone tell me when it became cool to be racists? Black Planet.com, BET, viva la rasa..... all kosher and cool. Ummm. I wonder if this is a global disease or if this is just a North American illness.
Starting to get hate mail from my neice from my previous marriage. She is an Uber christian and young. She is a great young lady and I love her to death so the messages I have received have kinda cut me deeper than I would have thought. She reminds me alot of my own sister at her age, opinionated and naive but genuine in her beliefs.
Peace out. Going to anger someone else by doing the biddings of the 'IT' man.
ps. someone put the feelers out on me about another job but although the money would be there, the ability to travel and grow would be greatly limited.
Posted by
Ben Denham
12:29 PM
Tuesday, January 31, 2006
Another IT Day - not
I have decided not to work with IT today. I am not getting over as you would think. The regular IT lass is out for the week in training so I am collecting every damn Hey You and every emergency from Clinton. So they are more than their money's worth out of my ass today and this week.
But it is a good day. Last night was nice and quiet. Getting accustomed to the living arrangements except in the mornings but I try to hide under the covers until 0650 if they get too out of hand. I actually run out after the bus leaves to make sure no one is left behind then go off to get ready for the day. Back to last night. The belle is writing her own blog of sorts and it is absolutely awesome. She gave me a tug and told me about upcoming episodes in her blog.
They want me to stay late tonight and work on a server. I have to babysit so nope.
Everyone says I am fidgety and hyper, that is how I get when I have a million things to do and I am knocking them down one at a time. I like the stress.
Anyways. Fork em Demons.
Posted by
Ben Denham
11:52 AM
Friday, January 20, 2006
I am a geek.
I have avoided it for years. I have done everything in my powers to deny myself and the world.
I am a geek.
I know this without a doubt for one reason.
I learned a new trick in power point and not only did I jump up from my desk and tell my boss but I even emailed my girlfriend.
That is lame but damn it felt good.
Happy Weekend.
watched Hustle and Flow last night. Didn't understand half the words but did like the strip club scenes. Woo Hoo. Top Cats memory insert here.
Posted by
Ben Denham
11:39 AM
Tuesday, January 17, 2006
Another IT Day
I am tired as much as I am exhausted. You might think them things to be identical but I am here to tell you sister than they are two different balls of yarn.
The g/f's boys arrived last night at the airport in NOLA. But the fun started much earlier than that. We had to rent a storage unit for my stuff and rearrange the small apartment to accommodate. Of course there was a great deal of heavy lifting but the constant cleaning and moving is the truly taxing bit.
When I was sitting there at the gate, I was actually a tad nervous. I have been worried about the eldest son who is reaching that period in his life where his g/f becomes more important than his family. He has really made some bone head decisions, mostly of which have been motivated by his love for his g/f. My nervousness doesn't sprout from the fact that I think he is going to mess up (because he is.) but more correctly from how I am going to handle it. I know that this period of his life, he needs a stand up male figure in his life. Just want to be the best example I can.
My puffer died this morning. Third in a row. Damn. I can't keep anything alive.
But I do love puffers.
Posted by
Ben Denham
11:28 AM
Friday, January 13, 2006
My Gal Sally
This is my girl friend. She isn't really a nerd but this photo definitely brings out any trapped geek genes. She loves poetry, dancing nude on the beach, and Gin. If found please return to me.
Posted by
Ben Denham
5:06 PM
For Years with my ex-wife I was worried about the bills and it in itself was the source of millions of arguments. I cut away from marriage but in turn I am worrying about money once again.
I make a decent living, maybe not paid the amount that I deserve when taking my education and real job into consideration but I make enough.
I have a short coming and that is the tendency to eat out on the town quite a bit but if I make the money I should spend it as I see fit. Now I find myself with larger and larger bills, my money going to things that don't matter.
Where is my money going?
Let me do a little survey of my account transactions for January and see.
268.30 on eating out or clubs
79.62 on gas
damn that is in only 13 damn days. Ok, I eat out a hell of alot of the time.
I need to spend more money on me and not my stomach.
I am getting frustrated that I am not achieving some of the things that seem so damn easy. I don't know the last time I was able to buy hiking gear.
Posted by
Ben Denham
12:33 PM
Thursday, January 12, 2006
Addicted to Blogging
You may wonder why I professed an addiction to blogging again but only had two posts in my blog. The simple answer is that I was blogging on different mediums.
I tried myspace but the format kinda reminded me of high school yearbooks.
I tried livejournal but I know too many folks on there to be honest.
I tried tribe but it is more ideal for looking at freaky hippies. Not that I am complaining.
I finally tried a blog on an adult site but people don't give you feedback unless you write something erotic.
So I have blogged plenty just not in this arena.
Posted by
Ben Denham
3:39 PM
Wednesday, January 11, 2006
New Year Resolution
I am wondering if I have to live up to my resolutions now or can I wait until after the Chinese New Year of the 29th. Anyways.
Goals for this year:
Climb one mountain.
Start back to school for me and not work.
Write something dirty.
Visit Utah to ski or hike.
Upgrade living conditions.
Buy some clothes for Big and Tall.
Not that bad of a list
Posted by
Ben Denham
12:40 PM