I know I am going against all conventions set down in the holy grail of travel books, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle maintenance, but I will call today Day One instead of my travel day. The book implores on the idea that you should consider the planning phase and the travel as part of the trip. Good advice and a good motto to live by in other areas but I deviate.
Day One: Initial evaluation of the workshops is that there isn't an equal return of quality for the moneys spent. The information passed along was good but the workshops were long in the tooth. I rescheduled for a Wednesday presentation that I think better suits my needs, a sat through two sessions, and did Eye Lid Maintenance in my hotel room for another.
The I did get off the resort grounds for a few hours and drove down the coast toward San Diego. It had a trendy California feel to it and all the sheikness one would stereotype to this area of the country. I saw four ferrairis which is a clear indication of excess money.
I ate in an expensive Italian restaurant overlooking the breaking waves of the Pacific and somehow escaped with only 24 dollars spent. I had a wonderful rendered potato soup, a basil and sundried tomato sauce over angel hair, and an expensive and strong Sonoma syrah. I was cramped in the corner but that suited the mood I was in.
Home sick I was. I guess love in one of its facets has something to do with not wanting to experience new things outside the comfort of one's established relationship. I guess that is part of love. I hate to think I will not be able to mountain climb again because I will not be able to part from Sally's side. Maybe she can watch from base camp and is that too much to ask?
I am getting sensitive to the fact that my body is changing. I am getting older and it is getting older but my good habits are fading and my bad are staying the same. I quit snuff but I am still a gregarious eater. I am a fan of soda and an enemy to exercise.
I am getting to that decision point in life. I can feel it. Am I going to have to make some wholesale changes.
Scotland is not that far away. I don't know how long I can wait for Scotland, the desire to begin that journey is overwhelming.
Oh Day -1 factoid: Flights rocked. Emergency row on one and Bulk head on another.... woo hoo
Monday, February 27, 2006
Day One: Del Mar
Posted by
Ben Denham
10:27 PM
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