Friday, January 13, 2006


For Years with my ex-wife I was worried about the bills and it in itself was the source of millions of arguments. I cut away from marriage but in turn I am worrying about money once again.

I make a decent living, maybe not paid the amount that I deserve when taking my education and real job into consideration but I make enough.

I have a short coming and that is the tendency to eat out on the town quite a bit but if I make the money I should spend it as I see fit. Now I find myself with larger and larger bills, my money going to things that don't matter.

Where is my money going?

Let me do a little survey of my account transactions for January and see.

268.30 on eating out or clubs
79.62 on gas

damn that is in only 13 damn days. Ok, I eat out a hell of alot of the time.

I need to spend more money on me and not my stomach.

I am getting frustrated that I am not achieving some of the things that seem so damn easy. I don't know the last time I was able to buy hiking gear.


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