Last night we went out to the local nice restaurant in the small town where the corporate office is located. I had snapper turtle soup and the LARGEST damn cut of beef I have ever seen. It was every bit of 42 ounces of medium rare perfection. We did in two bottles of wine there.
End up at the hotel bar watching the LSU girls play. Five or six beer there and three shots of Southern Comfort. We went from there to Finnagels, a Irish pub where the waitresses are rude and highly inefficient.
Today I feel like crap, my head hurts and my stomach feels like it is going to explode. Plus to kick it off it is hot as hell in this room.
I think I am going to sneak away at lunch and nap.
Great Travels and Damn Hang overs.
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
King Cut Prime Rib
Posted by
Ben Denham
10:06 AM
Sunday, March 26, 2006
Sunday Showers
I am wrapped in two volumnious towels and my woobie. I just had my first hot shower since Thursday morning. It seems our blessed hot water heater went on the fritz and it took until Sunday morning when me the lady were spooning for the landlord to show up.
One of the goldfish died also today but oddly enough that was a theme in the movie we were watching called Domino. As soon as the movie was over we looked at the big tank and alas one of the goldies was laying on his or her side on the bottom. Oh incredibly weird.
LSU won again against improbable odds and my 12 dollars for the NCAA tourney is all but lost. I am more a Zags and West Virginia fan. Big Baby. Now I want a better nickname if I become famous.
Have a great seven hours before you have to wake up and head to the grind.
ps Soft porn on Oxygen. What the hell, I feel like I am in Europe again. (Lesbian action at that.)
Nipple. I saw damn Nipple.
Posted by
Ben Denham
11:14 PM
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
IT comes a Knockin on Tuesdays
My boss was in town but that wasn't enough justification to get out of my mandatory slave day. I know I should bitch because I do get alot out of it but I also believe it messes with my flow work wise.
Did my best to smooth over some relations with corporate but still have some folks up there that keep a grudge. I will try the lunch thing when I am up there next week and see if that helps anything.
WOW. I really have nothing to say. The gf is frustrated over the neighbourhood kids but I think that will persist until we buy or move to another rental.
Great Travels
ps. I didn't get my tribal crazy woman painted in black and red last night as I had hoped but there is always tomorrow.
Posted by
Ben Denham
7:27 PM
Monday, March 20, 2006
Vernal Equinox
Yes folks, today is Vernal Equinox day. Well I don't know if it has an official government sanctioned holiday but it definitely is the Wiccan Sabbat of Ostara. The holiday of Spring Cleaning. Funny how most fun Christian holidays are really adaptations of Pagan sabbats. The goddess that governs Ostara is Eoster. hmmm. minus an o and add an A and you have... Easter.
This would have pissed me off. Here I had been waiting all year for the day to roll around. I knew I would get off working all day in the fields under the iron thumb of an oppressive Duke and come home to lather up in drawn butter and run around the forest in a sticky orgy of the flesh. But instead Rome comes along and says to me, Mr Pagan instead of moresome with breasty earthy chicks with no inhibitions you will instead be hunting for multicolored chicken eggs laid by a genetically confused rabbit all to celebrate the re-birth of Jesus.
Speaking of Rabbits! I saw the most alarming portrait of a man/rabbit at the LSU Union art gallery. Ummm can you say Danny Darko. My sweet gf's friend had a showing. I hate when women are so short that you can't cop a cheap feel when you bend over to hug them. She does have a juicy booty. I am not a sexism pig, I am addicted to Mountains and curvy women.
I am feeling better after the awkward weekend. I was frustrated at the behavior of the youngest and took it out on the gf who is reeling from stress at work, stress from school, and of course the actions of her two young ones. Doesn't seem fair in retrospect and I have apologized many times.
It is a work in progress.
Great Travels and Grand Pagan Orgies if you are into that kind of stuff.
Posted by
Ben Denham
12:48 PM
Friday, March 17, 2006
Kind of a funeral of sorts. Nothing major. The day has finally come. I knew it was going to come because no relationship can be so good for so long. I feel like the honeymoon is over and a tad of that invincible magic is gone.
NO we did not have a fight. Just the interactions after a long day of work for her and some annoying, selfish kids. I was candid to the point it hurt her feelings and I couldn't apologize. She responded with "Yes Dear" and that was the verbal equivalent to a period at the end of a really bad sentence. I sat at the edge of the bed, mesmerized by my inability to react or decide a next action or say something funny to ease the tension.
There are other things. I contemplated stopping at a bar for a st patties day beverage just to delay my return to the apartment. I could tell by two telephone conversations, brief as they were, that I wasn't coming home to a happy environment.
We snuck to the bedroom to cuddle. We weren't on the same page. I want passion. I want hands all over me and lips too for that matter. She wants to forget her terrible day. We snuggled but selfish me was left wanting more. I don't want to screw... I just want to be the center of her world.
With all that said, I am still the luckiest man on earth and deeply in love.
Good Travels.
Posted by
Ben Denham
6:19 PM
Happy Kiss an Irish Day
My grandparents were immigrants from Dublin, Ireland so I expect plenty of kisses today. Maybe a few on my blarney stone.
Another day with no IT presence on-site.... hmmm wonder how many "hey-you's" I will encounter. My mouse doesn't work. My laptop won't turn on. I COULD NEVER WORK ON A HELPDESK. How lucky am I that I didnt' take that job at Aegis Mortgage. That was a Helpdesk position with absolutely zero human interaction.
I am making the most of my cube. It is almost bearable save for the afternoon when the production dudes come up off the floor and start debating tithing and if Jesus pays interest. It is hard to program or focus on anything with them yelling to be heard over each other. My headphones are useless at this point.
BREAKING NEWS: My ex-wife is a bonafide swinger. She was so excited to tell me. Why you ask was I talking to her in the first place, the IRS thing remember? I will have to keep you posted on the developments as she slips further into debauchery and finds cryptic ways of informing me. Oh as a side bar, she was a frigid bitch that went months without sex while we were married.
The big parade is tomorrow and I am happy as hell. This is my favorite one all parade season and rightly so as it rivals even Spanish town as the best parade in Baton Rouge. (Mardi gras parade + green beads + green beer = St Pat's Parade in Baton Rouge.)
Good Travels!
(What is the use of having a company wide email and voice mail system when everyone ignores them?)
Posted by
Ben Denham
7:25 AM
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
No and I am not talking about the fact that I haven't done my taxes quite yet. I think I am still hung up on the $44.00 I owe the federal government. A certain co-worker will tell you that I get a butt load of services back in return for a ungodly slice of my salary but I believe she will argue a point just to argue.
IRS would indicate the man who came to my trailer that I lived at four years ago looking to make a claim. OK. Umm. Alright. Every bit of this sounds fishy. My ex-wife left a message on my work phone to that extent although she seemed to miss the fact that is smelt like tuna. I mean if by some rare rare chance that this is truely the IRS, I am really not worried. I don't make enough to have them take back and I don't itemize. I have the last two or so years on the H and R block server and the rest might have hit the trash with the divorce.
Date night last night. Went to Ruth's Chris. It was a great time. The gf and I matched in brown, her halter was low cut and let the girls shine like old man eye magnets. One more restaurant marked off the list. Now I think it is time for Flemings down by Whole Foods.
Today I worked on and generated a Global Environment Policy for my company, I am quite proud of the bee charming bull shit that I slopped into two pages. We are a terribly efficient and clean company to start with because of federal regulations that govern us so this is all icing and aimed straight at the top. I think some tangible things will come out of this, like some enviro organizations getting a little money for their charity work so all is not lost in bureaucracy.
Good Travels
Posted by
Ben Denham
12:42 PM
Friday, March 10, 2006
Sweet Friday
No real plans tonight but at least it is Friday. What can I say, a day that starts with a quickie has plenty of potential.
Had a number of appointments and meetings scheduled today but one by one everyone cancelled on me. I was able to get a load of paper work done, sign up for vacation in April (San Fran), and get to a custom report my boss has been hinting at for three days.
They came at me to develop something by Wednesday to present to the vendor about pocket pcs and the sd- scanner. I am now officially boy wonder or at least in their eyes I am. I also have that self - imposed deadline of Friday for the web based trivia game. Ugh.
Boss was discussing offices again today with one of the managers and I didn't even try for an office. I am sitting pretty as it is. All comes in time. Better for me to give me an office than to have me ask for one.
Posted by
Ben Denham
3:16 PM
Thursday, March 09, 2006
Windy Thursday
Weather today was terribly windy. It reminded me of the great wind storms from Saskatchewan and my youth. So it was a good day.
Today was also my IT day. What can I say about that? Nothing that I haven't said before.
Gf finally went to the doctor and along with new drugs she has been adviced to not participate in Recreational Feats of Pleasure. LOL. I love that wording and it clearly indicates that I am not going to get oral sex tonight. She has an infection in her lungs.
Baldo The Clown aka the pistol wielding temporary worker that lives next door was confrontational and mocking, going to be something bad in the future with that one.
Posted by
Ben Denham
8:37 PM
Thursday, March 02, 2006
Day Four: Sea World
You may ask.... where the hell went Day Three? Day Three was a number of sessions and a short excursion to Chevy's Mexican restaurant. Eating in the lounge and watching the tail end of a boring NBA basketball game.
They couldn't get me a flight out today so I am leaving tomorrow morning. I took advantage of the free day in San Diego and visited Sea World. I dont' think this is recommended if you are alone but I made a day of it. I like alot of it ... Sea Lions, Dolphins, and the Killer Whales. The Killer Whales were a little of a let down but that rotates around the fact I would rather see them without the crowds and in the wild. I don't mind dolphins jumping and spinning but it seems beneath the majestic orca. I guess I am just prejudice.
The crowds sucked ass as the day grew in length but the commute was painless. I hope it is smooth sailing to the airport in the morning.
Bye for Now
Still trying to figure out what to eat tonight. Trying to fly under the radar after the $110.00 Tuesday night.
Posted by
Ben Denham
5:34 PM