First day of the actual seminar. It wasn't that bad. I made modifications to the schedule they set down but didn't skim away from sessions that I thought might add value. Lunch was actually good and very Californian.
I skipped out at 1405, ran back to the room, and changed into shorts and a T shirt. I hit Torrey Pines State Preserve. A long public beach framed on one side by tall red cliffs and roaring surf on the other. When I pulled up folks from Sea World and the Ranger's Station were attempting to net a Elephant seal but it nimbly avoided capture and indignantly found the surf after cussing at the pesky humans.
I motored on down the beach and almost got beaned by a falling rock while taking a photo of a "No Nudity" sign. This was the point when I met Ruth Nutt, a retired Biotech lady with snow white hair and a great personality. Her home is in Sante Fe but she has a condo from her working years in Del Mar. Nice lady. German turns out. Talked to this young lady for almost thirty minutes.
Made it back to the parking lot in time to watch a wedding party taking photos in the surf.
Got some good leads on dining for tonight and will shower before heading out to conquer the culinary world.
(Prawns, squash soup, seared scallops, and a $44 bottle of Two Hands Gnarly Dudes Shiraz = 110.00 and one tricky expense report)
Tuesday, February 28, 2006
Day Two: Del Mar
Posted by
Ben Denham
6:50 PM
San Macros Experiment
One thing I didn't do last night was sleep well. I have truly become accustom to sleeping in my bed next to my gf who i can hug, fondle, pinch, and sexually harrass through the duration of the night.
I finished my book before I went to bed and thought it was going to last me the night but alas I woke at 4 but refused to actually get up so I tossed and turned.
While tossing and turning, I intellectually stumbled upon the idea of the CJ conference in San Macros. Thinking about the drunkeness and sexual debachuary that ran rampant like a wild fire across the plains of Texas. I wasn't part of this CSI orgy fest but of course I did get my information from a wanton source. Every sticky and steamy detail. I am a great fan of those minute details.
So I started to think about this conference in the same context. I only have one days worth of workshops to judge by but here are some observations so far that promise to prevent a wild tango of oiled bodies in my hotel room despite the fact I have a plush king sized bed.
- I have only seen four women so far in the workshops.
- I have had the longest hair so far
- I haven't seen a woman under forty five (Old Japanese lady, Old Mexican Lady, Old Black Lady, and a Middle aged Korean Lady)
- The lounge last night was old men
- This is the off season for tourism
- The only other group here is Race Investigators and I didnt' see any women standing around that conference.
(Experiment abandonned after researchers deemed the sample size too small. The coordinator was the only one remotely do-able and that was only because she was sexy in a mousy, too tight pants, and I can see your bra through your button up shirt, kind of way.)
Posted by
Ben Denham
9:10 AM
Monday, February 27, 2006
Day One: Del Mar
I know I am going against all conventions set down in the holy grail of travel books, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle maintenance, but I will call today Day One instead of my travel day. The book implores on the idea that you should consider the planning phase and the travel as part of the trip. Good advice and a good motto to live by in other areas but I deviate.
Day One: Initial evaluation of the workshops is that there isn't an equal return of quality for the moneys spent. The information passed along was good but the workshops were long in the tooth. I rescheduled for a Wednesday presentation that I think better suits my needs, a sat through two sessions, and did Eye Lid Maintenance in my hotel room for another.
The I did get off the resort grounds for a few hours and drove down the coast toward San Diego. It had a trendy California feel to it and all the sheikness one would stereotype to this area of the country. I saw four ferrairis which is a clear indication of excess money.
I ate in an expensive Italian restaurant overlooking the breaking waves of the Pacific and somehow escaped with only 24 dollars spent. I had a wonderful rendered potato soup, a basil and sundried tomato sauce over angel hair, and an expensive and strong Sonoma syrah. I was cramped in the corner but that suited the mood I was in.
Home sick I was. I guess love in one of its facets has something to do with not wanting to experience new things outside the comfort of one's established relationship. I guess that is part of love. I hate to think I will not be able to mountain climb again because I will not be able to part from Sally's side. Maybe she can watch from base camp and is that too much to ask?
I am getting sensitive to the fact that my body is changing. I am getting older and it is getting older but my good habits are fading and my bad are staying the same. I quit snuff but I am still a gregarious eater. I am a fan of soda and an enemy to exercise.
I am getting to that decision point in life. I can feel it. Am I going to have to make some wholesale changes.
Scotland is not that far away. I don't know how long I can wait for Scotland, the desire to begin that journey is overwhelming.
Oh Day -1 factoid: Flights rocked. Emergency row on one and Bulk head on another.... woo hoo
Posted by
Ben Denham
10:27 PM
Friday, February 24, 2006
Bonus Update
A clear half of the bonus has already been put toward the credit card, leaving just under a one hundred dollar bill left to pay on that plastic devil.
Merell - 81.74 done.
Bike Rack - 253.97 done.
50% of the way there folks. Wait for the next saga to begin. I don't believe the sunglasses thing will be that hard but we are definitely dipping into some difficult expenditure when it comes to surprise weekend trip to Vegas.
Word to the people and their 50 million radios.
Posted by
Ben Denham
8:17 PM
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
Bizarre Dream (Definitely NOT for the faint of heart)
Had one of those nightmarish dreams last night that I marvel I can still remember. Usually as soon as you wake up you start to lose the images and ideas until about 9 or so when you previous nights dreams have been completely lost.
I wasn't in the dream persay but I was watching it like an outsider as if in a movie. Small town in what I guess to be the old west but further on in the dream you will see how the time period might be a tad skewed. There were people of all ages, shapes, and sex crowded in the town square, all dressed in western garb (continuing with the old west theme). Everyone was frantic, crying, and screaming. It looked like they were in a mad fury to find something or someone. I assume they were looking for the remainder of the population of the town. A scream came and all attention was drawn to a large building.
This was the town hall or court house but it looked like a barn if you ask me. On the inside it looked more like a church with the tall windows but don't all court houses look like churches anyways.
Here is where it gets odd. We enter the community building, there seems to be this middle age man that everyone is turning to for answers and guidance. He turns and bellows for them to keep the women and children outside. How chivalrous of him.
Hammered to the high walls were the heads of the missing villagers. They were mounted like Deer trophies but the tops of the skulls had been removed and the contents were dripping down to the floor like melting ice.
The men were running around the room angry and shocked. Some were crying. Others were vomiting and losing command of other functions.
The middle aged leader scanned the wall and finally looked down to the huge oak desk in the middle of the room. A teen age girl was hiding underneath.
The dream skips at this point. A jump into the near future.
A futuristic police car and CSI vehicle which looks more like an airport shuttle blaze off from the town in a cloud of dust. All the characters are still wearing drab clothing and suspenders. I am now the teenage girl. Not any teenage girl but the one from Firefly, was it River?
I am standing in a convenience store not a modern one or a old west one. The kind with coke in glass bottles. Two farmers, old men are standing at the front door which is a battered screen door. I can see they are talking but can't hear what they are saying. Something draws their attention and without looking I know what it is. Three men, skinny men, are crossing over a levee covered in sagebrush by an old water tower. This is some way from the store but they seem drunk and are stumbling. Closer two black females like Aunt Jemma sp? cross over the levee closer to the store and doom starts to settle on the teenage girl.
The clerk, a nice lady, asks her what is wrong but I(River) ignore her. I stumble over a pyramid of soup cans making my way for the meat locker in the back of the store. I try to open the door but the butcher's assistant is trying to block it. The assistant looks like a young man but I know she is a butch lesbian. I have no idea where that comes in but the assistant is blocking the door because she knows what is coming.
I slip passed the lesbian with freckles and beautiful short red hair into the meat locker which ends up to be house. Each door is closed in the hallway with white surgical tape over the door jam with 'Body' written on each piece. I heard screams from the front of store after the third door I tried and screams that were human but not human at the same time. I was looking for a place to hide but each door I open I knew that they could find me.
I make it to the back of the store/butcher shop/ white walled house. The butcher is there hacking away at the hind quarters of skinned horse. How the hell I know it is a horse, I again have no clue. Somehow I sneak around the butcher, only inches from his sweaty back. I climb up into the ceiling tiles but I can still see the butcher through a wooden grate. I keep knocking out the tiles and have to climb back down to the floor to put them back in place. I am entirely convinced they will find me.
I hear movement but the butcher is still clueless. I want to tell him but for some reason I think he is his own kind of bad man. I don't know. Maybe that just makes it easier for me to swallow and allow what is going to happen next.
The butcher is attacked. He is pulled away from the grate so I can't see but I can hear everything. He is a huge burly man of about 6 feet and at 340 lbs but he is being gang raped. I can hear him kicking the wall and whimpering and begging. The only response is that human but not human growls.
My gf woke me up at this point to tell me she was off to work. How freaky? This kind of reminds me of the Reaver story from Serenity and that would explain me being River or whatever her name was.
Odd don't' you think?
Posted by
Ben Denham
11:45 AM
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
Spare Day in San Diego
Zoo or Aquarium?
For those out there lurking, feeling free to chime in on your ideas about what to do.
Lurkers are like Virtual Peeping Toms (They make me feel dirty.... and I think I like it).
Posted by
Ben Denham
6:37 PM
Kindred Twisted Warped Souls
Sally or Sissy. She is my companion thorn branch. We wrap around each other, climbing higher and higher while repelling the world with our sharp thorns.
I listen to the images and ideas that flow from her mind to her lips and know they are at times sinister and freaky but all the while know that they are adaptations and sensual spins on the carnal carnival dancing through my own mind.
Her kink compliments my kink. Her furnace fuels my primal aggressiveness. We are a pair.
At times I believe we are a duo of carnivores stalking the weak and feeble. (More like the short, firm, and sexy).
Ah my mind. Ah my Love. Ah my Kinky Kindred.
Ugh Time to do vocab and math. Elementary Geometry REALLY is that hard!
Posted by
Ben Denham
6:28 PM
OH OH OH Saturday
How could I possibly forget?
My conversative dressing lass on my arm has broken her Oklahoma brain wash about showing off the girls. Out they came in a black tank top on Saturday at the Casino, yummy. Jiggling with each step and drawing the eyes like Tittie magnets. (Not that I am one of those shallow cave men kind of bf's but she is too marvelous of a Diva to be held down by other folks stick figure idea of a perfect woman. Ok maybe just a little knuckle dragging caveman.)
Oh Friday. Denim Dress and Stacks. She bent over to grab something off the bed and I could see the cream satin of her panties. Oh yes. So tall in her stacks. (After four years the little things are what set my heart a racing. Corny? I don't give a shit. Sappy? Of course. Live with it.)
Loved the jacket of our friend cuz it was hippy but couldn't take my eyes off my gal. (Might post on this issue later.)
Posted by
Ben Denham
12:56 PM
Can I get a Moment of Silence
The day has finally come. My hemp Canadian Flag adorned man purse has finally blown its last zipper. This is where I must part with my love and retire it from my back pocket.
If someone really loved me they would carefully select me a replacement and give it to me as a gift. Using my credit card would be acceptable as long as it is a surprise.
Posted by
Ben Denham
12:52 PM
Tuesday Not so Bad Tuesday
Pretty decent morning so far. Looks like some projects are finally getting started and rolling. Issues popping up with systems already in place, funny how I have become the poster boy for their failure or success when really I have had very very little to do with them from the start.
NO IT day today but that doesn't mean I won't have one this week. I will be out all next week so I am looking forward to next Tuesday.
Worried about my baby, she is really having a time with this new medication. It does worry me so.
Had lunch with her yesterday at her work and now finally the ladies can put a face to a name. I was rewarded with multiple acts of debauchery for my kindness. Win win if you ask me.
LRCE tonight. I really hate that crap.
Off to a presentation that I just found out about. My sports marketing class is really coming in handy with all these presentations that I fix behind the scenes.
Peace Out
Posted by
Ben Denham
12:00 PM
Friday, February 17, 2006
Additional Ideas for the Money's
Going to get a red Vancouver Canuck's Polo,
maybe some Smith sunglasses or Boille.
Posted by
Ben Denham
8:28 PM
Fun Friday of Fabulous Fun
Can I say that I accomplished nothing today? Of course I could but that would be far from the truth. I didn't accomplish a single thing I had in my mind to do when I was driving into work. Ok that is a lie also. I don't think about work on the way in, I usually fill my mind with the most erotic thoughts one human being can handle. That helps with the drive in, bumper to bumper is very manageable when you have a hard on. Anyways. I got alot done.
Short week next week then off to San Diego. It turns out some high end consultants are coming out the week I am to be gone and I was suppose to be here to babysit and learn. The money that flies around in the drug industry is just mind blowing.
Talking about money. I did nicely with my bonus and raise. I plan on splitting the bonus in half and giving one half to my credit card fr0m the get-go.
The other half is going to the following a weekend trip to Las Vegas, prescription sun glasses, Merrell hiking boots, and the correct mounts to get that bike rack on the Xterra. I am going to get the three physical things then I am going to keep the remaining as a budget for Vegas.
Off to fight a fire before I can head to the house.
Posted by
Ben Denham
2:56 PM
Thursday, February 16, 2006
IT on Thursday
Today went well.
I worked with my hands and did what I would consider Hardware-ish IT slave labour for a good part of the day. I really don't want corporate to get wind of how much this young stud can accomplish or they might find some loop hole to wrestle me under their evil umbrella.
Went to Ninfa's for lunch and could hardly finish my queso which in the past has been little more than a stepping stone to larger dishes. I had an opportunity to weight myself and I am down to 273. I am crediting being sick as two dogs to the loss.
I am looking forward to heading home.
Oh boss asked me again about the title change and I am pretty damn sure we are going to see it through to the end.
On my way home.
Posted by
Ben Denham
3:42 PM
Monday, February 13, 2006
Monday oh Sweet Bloody Terrible Monday
Trying to get back into the flow of things. I have felt in a flunk for a few weeks, of course this is not helped in anyway by the bout of explosive bottom syndrome that I seemed to be afflicted with last week. Three days out and nothing to party about.
Well did get my end of year evaluation done and it does seem like my title change is still in the works. I am more excited about that than the possible raise that is coming down the pipeline.
Like I said tryin to get back in the flow of things. Flow of things also meaning in my relationship with my g/f. I have been out of sorts in that department, feeling as if some flame has become mildly dimmer. I know she is utterly overwhelmed in all things in her life but I can't help but be greedy with my needs.
Anyways screw Mondays and Bacon Ranch sucks ass by the way.
I hope tomorrow is better.
Posted by
Ben Denham
8:25 PM
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
Monday on a Wednesday
My cosmic clock is all awry. It is wednesday officially but my body is telling me it is Monday. I called in sick yesterday and missed my IT day so I am making it up today. This is not ideal as I have plenty to do.
My ex-boss and one of my internal customers told me this morning that we are going 'Green', something he assumed I was instantly akin to as I am a hippy. This means more work for yours truly but am sure I can spin it to my advantage in some form or another.
People seem to be quite hostile today and have already had a confrontation with one employee who thought by me putting Big Brother on his computer I was aiding the 'Man' with spying on the black man. I am not quite sure where this came from.
On the subject of Race Relations. Walking around the warehouse I heard two radios on the same station discussing the NOLA mayor's "Chocolate New Orleans" comment. These were African American oriented stations and they were having fun with it. Can someone tell me when it became cool to be racists? Black, BET, viva la rasa..... all kosher and cool. Ummm. I wonder if this is a global disease or if this is just a North American illness.
Starting to get hate mail from my neice from my previous marriage. She is an Uber christian and young. She is a great young lady and I love her to death so the messages I have received have kinda cut me deeper than I would have thought. She reminds me alot of my own sister at her age, opinionated and naive but genuine in her beliefs.
Peace out. Going to anger someone else by doing the biddings of the 'IT' man.
ps. someone put the feelers out on me about another job but although the money would be there, the ability to travel and grow would be greatly limited.
Posted by
Ben Denham
12:29 PM