Monday, June 22, 2009

First Two Items Purchased

Over this past weekend, I made my initial investment of $1.00 into my eBay store. Two video games were purchased at a garage sale and now are posted on eBay.

This is my first time putting something on eBay so I don't know all the tricks and such.

Wish me luck. At .50 cents a pop this might be a long long trip to Switzerland.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Ebay Store from Garage Sales to pay for Travel

I read a post on one of my favorite blogs called Get Rich Slowly and it got my mind to spinning wildly out of control.

I am a man of three's as a rule of thumb so here are my observations:
  1. Ebay Store
  2. Garage Sales
  3. Travel
This is going to be my $100.00 experiment. I am going to purchase $100.00 worth of Garage Sale stuff and sell it on Ebay to see if I can raise enough in 6 1/2 months to take my Diva and I on a Vacation.


  1. Experiment ends Jan1, 2010
  2. 100.00 in crap plus shipping and handling (I will pay back shipping and handling from profits so in the end it is genuinely only $100.00 invested.)
  3. Vacation must be realistic
Caveat: I purchased a bunch of soft cover books at a thrift shop awhile ago and tried to sell them on Amazon with no success.