I have lived in the state of Louisiana for about six years this time around but the fireworks fetish possessing local residents really hasn't come to my attention until recently. I think the trigger was the fact we moved out of the slums in out into the country.
It seems like every night we are treated with another barrage of artillery fire but no pretty lights as the fireworks are the cheaper type that don't reached way up into the heavens. Nope we basically get the Friday night in Baghdad version minus the cruise missiles and low signature F-117 Nighthawk with radar reducing rubberized skin.
It is cool enough to light up the good ole chimneia and burn this weeks worth of bills and snail mail spam. It is a good bonding exercise and hopefully a good tool to instill fire safety. Fixed a bike and shopped a vegetable stand. Not your Xmas traditions of snow blown Canada but it is nice to wear shorts in December.
Happy Holiday Season to Christians, Jewish, and Pagans alike,
Monday, December 24, 2007
Fireworks: A Louisiana Xmas Tradition
Posted by
Ben Denham
1:05 AM
Monday, December 10, 2007
Capitalism: The True Reason for the Season
There is something extremely special about Louisiana. I grew up on the flatlands of Canada and have seen queer sights but none so queer as the one I have seen living here in the bayou. (Kinda stole that from Robert W. Service.)
The whole Xmas parade at 82 degrees where the Red Truck driving Ronald McDonald is more popular than ole Saint Nick. A parade where they throw beads just like Mardi Gras but I did not see any bare chests this year. Only in Louisiana. I don't know if the economic woes as of late drove the attendance skyward but there were some definite characters on hand to beg and act crazy for candy and beads - that was the adults.
I hate Xmas not because it forces us to spend more time with our kids or gives thanks regardless of our chosen religious affiliation but that so many folks go into debt trying to buy every toy off the shelves of Walmart. I hate the expectation for riches from children regardless of how much money you make.
Have a great week,
Posted by
Ben Denham
1:00 PM
Labels: Capitalism, Christmas parade
Monday, December 03, 2007
Last Day of Class
Tonight was the last night of my classes and I will welcome the break until late January. Unlike my undergraduate years, I will not be heading off on a wonderful hiking/climbing trip. I have evolved to a hippy with a job. I will find my wanderlust but I will do so now with plenty of planning and thought. Greece, Scotland, Fiji, or New Zealand.
LSU is heading to the national championship and we bought a deep freeze this weekend. Life can not get any better. Next on the buy for the house list is a oval crock pot.
Oh the Xmas tree is up. This is so unlike growing up as a boy on the Canadian prairies where we would put the tree up in September and not take it down until March. We will have to see how this tree lasts with the feral cat in the house.
Have a nice one,
Posted by
Ben Denham
9:58 PM
Sunday, December 02, 2007
Suburban Life
Well the last time we spoke the Canucks were sucking on the ice but today they are riding a three game shut out of opponents. I really should blog more.
Things are the dull sweetness that is the lazy suburban life. The grass is in hibernation and LSU is still playing football so I have ever excuse in the world to sit on my ass and turn into a vegetable.
Not much to report other than the fact I got a humidor for my birthday, our kitten is teething, and the fall semester is almost over.
Having a devil of a time scheduling classes for the spring but I will find a way.
Have a nice weekend,
Posted by
Ben Denham
1:50 AM
Sunday, October 28, 2007
What is wrong with the Vancouver Canucks?
I will tell you what is wrong with the Canucks:
- Markus Naslund is not living up to his 6.0 million dollar contract.
- The defense is playing terrible this year with sloppy play, turn overs, and weak checking
- Roberto Luongo play this year has been pedestrian at best.
Well its better than being a Colorado fan any day.
Have a nice one,
Posted by
Ben Denham
10:59 PM
Friday, October 26, 2007
How to Handle Westboro Baptist Church
I was reading a disheartening article that came across my screen from the likes of Digg. The article paraphrased was about a father of a United States Marine whom was suing a hate group out of Kansas called Westboro Baptist Church. Read article here. The group protested and picketed at the Marine's funeral.
Here is my solution. Using the Intraweb, folks should search out the names of the congregation of WBC and this is where a dose of patience is going to be need. Taking the names gleaned from cyberspace a database shall be erected with names of congregation and their family members. The database will be dynamically linked to the obituaries so that when one of the congregation or any member of their families pass away that folks are instantly notified.
Veterans, patriots, and family members harassed by this group shall band together and accumulate around the funeral of above mentioned WBC person. This is well within the rights of freedom of speech and would be darn fun.
What would you put on your sign?
How about "Satan is into anal sex, enjoy Hell!"
Posted by
Ben Denham
12:55 PM
Labels: hate groups, WBC, Westboro Baptist Church
Sunday, October 21, 2007
New Orleans Trip
I know you are visiting my little corner of the interweb and expecting a colorful account of Las Vegas.
*I will get to Vegas in later posts but for now you must read at your own risk about Nouveau Orleans.
With some stroke of Karma it turned out that my favorite childhood band was coming to NOLA. The Tragically Hip are the greatest Canadian band never to come out of Canada. We got our tickets quickly and it was off to the House of Blues.
One of our friends gave us the heads up on a cool little bohemian joint called Angeli on Decatur which turned out to be quite a jewel. I would love to link you to their website but it turns out it is just one big montage of Adsense banners. Anyways it is at 1141 Decatur Street in NOLA. Try the Sampler with the tomato paste and Hummus. The pizza we had there rocked and was on par with a joint like the Mellow Mushroom.
From Angeli's we simply walked back up Decatur toward the HOB but had to poke our heads into The Cigar Factory. I have picked up the expensive habit of cigars as of late but compared to Casa Fuentes this place was bargain basement. We bought two cigars. Good smoke.
The show was good but nothing is as good as you remember it to be. The front man is quite a character and has some odd energy on stage but I have no regrets. Like U2 and pearl jam, I miss Tragically Hips old stuff.
LSU Tigers won and from what I hear it was best on my heart that I didn't watch the game. Tiger football and Vancouver hockey will both be the death of me.
Have a nice weekend,
Posted by
Ben Denham
2:45 AM
Labels: New Orleans
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
More Smoke at Fuentes and Battling Pianos
I have taken so long to post these travel blog entries that I have almost forgot about what happened. I am doing them in bullet point so you can use your imagination about what happened.
- Casa Fuentes
- Spent too much time and too much money smoking cigars and drinking beer. The cocktail waitresses were extremely easy on the eyes and the smoke was great.
- toby keith's bar
- The ribs were nasty and the videos on the big screen televisions did not match the music overhead. One girl was turning 18 and a dude was turning 70 something. They danced in the center of the room and I wonder if that made the old man's year or decade.
- piano bar
- I love battling pianos. I love when the pianists are smoking hot ladies. I love it more when there are three pianist and two of them are twins. Enough Said.
- monorail nazi
- The monorail was a great plus to the city of Las Vegas. The empowered Monorail sweeper turned Nazi was a great minus when he jumped four old ladies that were having issues. I did my civic duty and ridiculed/taunted/ and cussed at him behind his back.
Posted by
Ben Denham
12:58 AM
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Morning Adventures to Fremont Street and Ugh another Buffet
Just like in my previous post on Las Vegas, I am sending this in bullet format as the memories are fleeting and need to be captured.
- Fremont Street Experience
- Fremont Street in the day may lack the awe factor that watching the overhead show at night but it was quaint enough. Oddly enough the restaurants were not open and the casinos were of the older fashion. This is where we picked up all the cheap traveling gifts.
- The CAT was an interesting experience. We drove the strip in the CAT's double decker bus and it was cool to see the sites. Much much slower than the monorail.
- Monorail at the back of the casinos
- The only complaint about the monorail is that it is located at the back of the casinos and you must walk for what seems like hours to get into the heart of the action.
- Garden Buffet - Champagne
- The buffets in Las Vegas just continued to disappoint me. The one at the Flamingo was subpar and overpriced, the one in Marksville, LA is much better.
Posted by
Ben Denham
10:20 AM
Ghetto Casinos and Celebration of the Female Form
We just went to Hooters off college last night and I was reminded of our visit to the ghetto, trashy casino in Las Vegas run by Hooters. I guess I need to post our travel before it becomes fuzzy in my mind.
Evaluation of Hooters Casino and Resort:
- The decor reminded me of the inside side of a mobile home.
- The ceilings were too low.
My frustration may or may not have been fueled by the fact LSU had just lost to Kentucky.
The evening was not all lost on trailer park gambling halls as we strolled across to the Crazy Horse Cabaret at the MGM.
It was a cute show with skinny chicks but the atmosphere was fitting. I just wish they had taken into consideration my thirty foot long legs. I had a gentlemen between my legs for basically the whole show which is not as kinky as you would think. My Belle thought the comedy routines intermixed were just out of place.
The night was saved by the stage show. The world needs more synchronized nudity.
Have a wicked weekend,
Posted by
Ben Denham
10:15 AM
Labels: burlesque, crazy horse paris, hooters, las vegas
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Casa Fuentes and Pete Rose - Day One Morning Update
So far so good. Vegas is nice. The weather is really nice.
Despite what I had heard recently (We won't pull that person's name out in this forum), Flamingo has turned out to be a rather nice hotel. It is neighbors with Caesars, Bally, and countless others. The monorail comes right up to the lobby so we will be able to take it to the Crazy Horse Paris burlesque tonight.
After not hitting the sack until 2:30 am in the morning last night, we got out and about a little later than hoped. We hit the Forum Shops connected to Caesars on a mission to run down a cigar shop I had heard about from the local cigar place in Baton Rouge.
We found Casa Fuentes after getting lost five different times but we had to get some grub in our bellies first. The deli isn't that much to talk about but while we were sitting there Pete Rose walked in and sat down at the table behind us. If you ask me, he has aged terribly but that is what fast times does to the body. Ok there is our star power.
Back to Casa Fuentes with Irish the Phillipino with sheer white pants and a tauntly tied white tank top. I bought some cigars and we people watched as I burnt my smoke. Two bloody mary's later and I had a flushed faced wife on my hand.
Needless to say we are back in the room watching the tail end of the LSU-Kentucky game as she naps off her exhaustion.
Tonight will be a nice meal and off to the show at MGM Grand.
Posted by
Ben Denham
4:54 PM
Friday, October 12, 2007
This Time Tomorrow Sin City
I don't know which city is the real Sin City but tomorrow we will be investigating Vegas for the first time.
I know for one thing I will feel safer in Vegas than NOLA and that is based in the unease aura I have always felt from the Crescent City.
I am so excited. I have cirque tickets. I have burlesque tickets.
Unfortunately I lost the digital camera in Boston so we are going to be doing it old school with disposable cameras. I have taken some of my best pics with a throw away.
Will report in frequently,
Posted by
Ben Denham
12:38 AM
Friday, October 05, 2007
Homework and presentations are getting in the way of Hockey and Football
Well as you can tell I am not using this as my forum for automating my life. I am trying to put my income in cruise control but this is just where I am going to rant.
Tonight the Canucks open against San Jose. I have an Essay to write.
Tomorrow the Tigers defend Death Valley against the Florida Gators.
Just ain't right!
Going away get-together for a co-worker tonight at Fox and Hound and the sky opened up to rain.
Have a nice weekend,
Posted by
Ben Denham
8:31 PM
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
Homework - Whatever- Vegas or Bust
Ok. I know I really should be focusing on my homework for my grad class seeing that they took out a slice of time during last night's class to inform me by essays were just not up to par.
I am scheming about our Vegas trip next week instead. Naughty me. Bad Student.
It truly isn't my fault. On my way to McD's for lunch, I passed two trailer trash ladies walking up the road. They were wearing too short denim shorts and too tight Walmart tops over expansive bosoms. They wore these ridiculously huge sunglasses and walked with this attitude.
I have a soft spot for Trailer Trash.
That got me thinking about Vegas so I came back to my desk and started doing some research. I may have made some reservations but we will have to see on the honeymoon.
Have a nice day,
Posted by
Ben Denham
12:53 PM
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Multicultural Grad School
So I am not the only one that noticed that I am minority in my graduate program.
Slashdot Post with interesting comments. The value in reading is in the comments.
I am not complaining as I believe there is much to be learned from folks that come from different and diverse cultures than my own. Inevitably someone has an alternate angle to attack a problem with.
Have a nice weekend,
Posted by
Ben Denham
11:20 PM
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Jena 6 to Into the Wild
Some interesting tidbits from my part of the world. If you haven't heard the huge rallies for the Jena 6 have clogged the airways for the "Jena 6." I think some folks from my work even took the roadtrip up to protest but I have to wonder what they are truly protesting. I know Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton are using this for a moment in the national spotlight and some hidden political agenda but what are the people truly protesting about?
Are they genuinely upset that the students were charged after mob beating of another student? Is this ok for teenage boys to do?
Are the upset because the assailants are black and the victim is white? Were the students reacting to the growing tension and insane crap in the small town? Is ganging up on one person and savagely beating them justified in the face of racial tension?
Do they believe that the students are getting too severe of punishment based on the color of their skin? Would they rally if it was six white students beating the crap out of a single black student? Would they in turn rally because the punishments were too lenient?
Are they upset that a FOUR time violent offender is getting treated and judged like an adult?
I think I will not understand why so many folks protested and walked on Jena until I understand why the United States has become such a racist country again. The pendulum has swung from one side of the spectrum to the other and I am here to tell you there is no such animal as Reverse Racism. It is just racism and it isn't justified regardless of what you think.
Here are a pair of brilliant individuals that did their little part to help ease the tensions of the Day. This might be in the realm of freedom of speech and venting frustration but these guys are MORONS.
With that little bit of disgust and confusion off my chest.
I am pleased to see that Sean Penn is adapting Into the Wild to the big screen.
Have a nice weekend,
Posted by
Ben Denham
11:56 AM
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Cobol Freelancer
Don't let the title trick you, there are no freelance jobs for Cobol programmers. Of course you could go the client facility or work for the local government whom always seems to have a mainframe stashed away. This is not what I am looking for nor what I have in my mind as an ideal freelancer position.
What I am looking for is a pure telecommute project that I can work on from home. I would devote a few hours here and a few hour there, maybe even a weekend afternoon. I know with the dwindling amount of Cobol literate folks out there that the need is present but I just don't know how to tap it.
If anyone knows some good sites with genuine good leads please clue a clueless dude in.
Have a nice night,
Posted by
Ben Denham
11:06 PM
Friday, September 14, 2007
Outsourcing College Research to India
That darn book has me thinking again. The author spoke about outsourcing almost anything to a Virtual Assistant (VA) even personal items. I instantly thought about outsourcing my college research for papers to a Chinese or Indian VA. I thought it was brilliant. 4 dollars an hour? I think it is a great trade-off.
I think I am going to start an online business selling Nalgene bottles plus set up a site for my wife to start her own Customer Service online business.
Just thought I would get it down on paper.
Have a weekend that is good,
Posted by
Ben Denham
5:59 PM
Fend for Yourself Friday
I just read an interesting article about what not to write in your blog if you don't want to get fired. I will have to read back through all my blogs over the years and make sure I haven't hung too much of my dirty laundry out for the public eye. It all seems like common sense but I guess we don't all possess that currency.
Well it is an utter surprise that I made it to training this morning as NO ONE CALLED TO WAKE ME. Now don't tell me that I am a 32 year old man and I should be able to get my own ass out of bed. I don't think I was the only one with that issue as one of the neighborhood boys had to poke his head into the house to scream to my youngest that the bus had arrived. Of course like a good parent I sprinted to the door in my underwear to make sure he had made the bus. The neighbor boy's mother was at the end of my driveway in her pajamas AGAIN, I am glad she didn't see me because that would have just started another one of those uncomfortable moments.
I might be long in the tooth and wordy in these blogs but I am really mastering the short email. I am taking some of those recommendations from 4-Hour Work Week and implementing them into my business life. I just wonder if I can leave my Out of Office responder up and running.
Have a nice weekend,
ps I have decided to donate my long hair to that wigs for kids organization.
Posted by
Ben Denham
2:36 PM
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Home Sweet Bloody Home
I know you might be expecting endless photos of Boston in this blog or post but someone forgot the camera in the last cab ride of the trip. Seeing that I went solo on this trip, you can guess who to point the finger of blame at. Yep it was the cabbie's fault.
Another important date has come and gone at work without different departments providing yours truly with the necessary SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures) to do my part of the big picture. People will be mighty upset when I leave work tomorrow afternoon and their without their all-important documentation.
Another training in the morning to make the day an absolute waste of time. Hard to get into a productive rhythm when the world is up your ass kicking footballs.
So i did not return from Boston with Pictures and I really did not see much of the city. I took in the disappointing Museum of Fine Art which was operating at 50% efficiency with almost very exhibit all closed off for transition. I walked the Freedom Trail to Quincy Market seeing the grave of Samuel Adams on the way and the church where the Boston Tea Party kicked off. I racked up $150 in cab fares and spilled red wine on my hiking pants on two different occasions. I stayed in a Hotel that had rented out 100 of its rooms as dorms for Boston University. I had a beer at Cheers with Three New Friends. Already planning a trip to Puerto Rico with the Wife.
I did not buy a boat or river front property and my wish list of things to do has stayed the same. Maybe my idea to become fluent in French has just turned to German. Funny how random folks you sit beside in a boring class can give you an interesting outlook.
Sleep well all,
A written report and essay due Monday woo hoo. A toast to grad school and ungodly busy work.
Posted by
Ben Denham
11:33 PM
Monday, September 10, 2007
This small exercise is from Tim Ferriss's book "The 4-Hour Workweek" and I think it is a toolkit that I am going to use to DreamLine my goals or at minimum enlighten my self-image. The exercise calls for you to pick up to five steps for each of the categories of Having, Being, and Doing. These are put into a six month and twelve month timeline but for this first attempt I am going to leave out the time. Tim demands that you be brutally honest with yourself and not put something down on the list because you think that is what someone else wants to read; be selfish.
Having (For me Own)
- Water Property
- Boat
- Fluent in French
- Visit Scotland
- Visit New Zealand
- Climb Mount Rainier
Will Try again when we are awake,
Good Dreams
Posted by
Ben Denham
10:30 PM
Curry Chicken In Boston
My meal was tasty don't get me wrong but it was lacking several important elements. The glaring element would be that not one of the components that I selected were unique to Boston. I believe this stems from my desire to stay close to a wide screen TV so I could satiate my need for football on Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday. Also I believe my reluctance to do things solo is also a culprit.
Foods that I could eaten if I would have strolled away from the security blanket of my hotel:
New England Clam Chowder
Raw Oysters
There is always tomorrow.
Happy Tomorrow Folks.
Posted by
Ben Denham
8:03 PM
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
Ideas on Income - Passive, Primary versus Side
This is how I see it....
The ideal income would be Passive Income. This is what a high percentage of retired Americans use to fuel their retired lives. A 401k or some retirement plan of that nature. A growing number of unlucky Americans that live beyond the age of retirement are forced not to depend on this but instead of Primary Income. Understand that I am lumping Portfolio Income under this umbrella as you don't have to put effort into collecting a dividend check, interest off of savings, or royalties.
Now here are some sources of Passive Income that interest me:
- Dividends from stocks
- Royalties from writing a book
- Offering services that do not require your presence or interaction to complete the transaction (ie a web store that runs itself with minimal upkeep or even better upkeep that can be out-sourced to Hyderabad or Little Rock)
Side Income is working at WalMart to catch up on bills, tutoring after school kids in French, or anything above and beyond your regular 9-5 job.
So with this said, I am going to build my new wealth of Mobility and Adventure Time through new forms of Passive Income.
Ok now what? Where do I go? Anyone have a good story idea?
Posted by
Ben Denham
8:27 PM
Monday, September 03, 2007
Back Again.... I think
It seems I was not totally back last time but I was in the middle of things like buying a house, moving into house, and shipping children off to visit their short father. I would be the tall father or the one we call "Bread Winner" or "Moral Compass."
I am back and this time around I have a plan. Well I don't have a plan quite yet but I have a destination in mind. The destination is 8-10 years down the road and of course there is no clear cut path to that destination but there is a goal... no dream.
Medium Goal (8-10 year mark)
- work for myself
- work a quarter of what I work now (40 / 4 = 10 hours a week which still might be high)
- spend a 1/3 of my time on vacation doing something that excites me
- buy a boat and land on the river or whatever body of water we are near at the time
- visit Scotland
- must move in 3-5 years to gain or expand experience in career field
- must find a way to distinguish myself from others in my field
- must pick the right education
disclaimer: All references to My or I really mean my wife and I.
Posted by
Ben Denham
3:56 PM