Busy week back from Long Beach.
I went over to my Ex's place and picked up the remains of my gear. Rolex, fake or not, I now have that puppy plus a crap load of photos when I was skinny.
Went out last weekend with some friends or folks from work. It was fun although one the husbands was putting off some evil vibes but that is because he and I share a naughty secret and every time he sees me he is reminded of his unholy transgressions. I just say "don't hate me, I have no problem being faithful to the woman I love."
Anyways back to this trip to the poolhall with my Diva. I made her dress up so we could take a step back into our sorted, fun past. I made her put a blouse on which showed her ladies off nicely every time she bent over the table to take a shot. I also made her wrap her rump and hips in a short skirt minus undie where.
This uniform led to my first ever visit to the ladies' restroom and a carnal encounter in the handicap stall. What can I say? Take those two goals off my lifetime list.
Happy Weekend to all,
Friday, August 25, 2006
Another Week Down
Posted by
Ben Denham
4:14 PM
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
Sharing the Pain
My Treat Diva has a pinched nerve in her back but that isn't the pain I am sharing. I am talking the money situation. We have had to shit a few extra thousand to get everything going for the house and the oldest's braces so we are doing the budget thingy.
Today I came across an additional ten spot and when the lunch bell rang I almost walked out to go to BK or the golden arches but I remember the Diva telling me how she went with the girls from work to a Mexican restaurant and just had a glass of coke, chips, and salsa.
I turned my ass around nuked some Ramen and had a granola bar from dessert. I am going to pick up a modestly prized bottle of wine on the way home tonight and that will be well worth the sacrifice of this lunch.
Happy Lunch,
I have a murder mystery to read.
Posted by
Ben Denham
12:32 PM
Sunday, August 06, 2006
Back to Spanking
Ok. I didn't spank on Friday at the Office as I do have a job when I return to the plant on Monday but this is what I dreamt up:
(Told in third person narration)
He stood there looking at his hand. Like his hand was a traitor or had violated him in some unspeakable manner. It was as if he would be able discern something in each wrinkle and crevase but nothing. Watson was drawing a blank, Holmes.
Only seconds before he had strolled into his co-worker's office. He had a document to be signed. She had been at the front of her desk and turned around, bending to grab a pen from the far reaches of her desk. Her pin striped tan slack had pulled tight over her bulbous ass. And... and he smack one ample cheek with his hand. The sound had echoed through the office for what felt like years but that was unlikely, the echo was in his head.
They were locked in shock, her mouth slightly agape and his free hand still holding the unsigned document.
Smack!!!! Her other cheek trembled slightly from the spanking blow.
"Why did you do it ... again?" Her voice was trembling just like her pale flesh tucked under her JC Penny pants.
"I just wanted to make sure the first time wasn't a fluke," he still examined her hand but he was uniquely aware of his sexual arousal become evident in the crotch of his Walmart jeans.
"How about I just leave this for you to sign," He stepped closer, she didn't move an inch still in some phase of complete shock. He placed the document on the desk right next to her stretched out torso.
so you know what I think about to get through rush hour traffic and an hour commute in the rain.
Happy Dreaming mere Mortals,
Posted by
Ben Denham
12:19 PM
What the hell is there to do in Long Beach?
I mean the X games are there. It is the largest and busiest port in the United States. It is the home of Snoop. But truly what is there to do in Long Beach. I don't have anything against Cali but it seems so expensive compared to the other locations I have been sent to. The only thing that is cheaper is the rental cars, riddle me that.
I hate being away from home and I know that is lame but I am so sold on this family man gig. Catch this, my first open house is in two hours. The first meet and greet with a teacher. I don't know what to do, I think I will shake hands and not to get into religious debates.
Going to break up this post so that I don't put sexual tense fantasies in with talk about being a PaPas (not the potatoe but the parental figure).
Happy Orientation All,
Posted by
Ben Denham
12:09 PM
Friday, August 04, 2006
Spanking is not Cheating
Spanking is not cheating just like showing your girls at Mardi Gras is no more than bead appropriation.
Love you secret blog reader.
Posted by
Ben Denham
2:22 PM
I am slowly going crazy... 5 .. 4... 3.. 2. 1...
Ok it isn't me. It is the guy in the next office. Dude is talking to himself and keeps saying "No.. no!" It is the middle age security system installer and I am not quite sure if he is all there.
Ok. It is official. I am Capital H. HoRNY.
I did some spring cleaning in my office and sent off three million five hundred and three emails today. I was cleaning up loose ends also. Very productive week. This isn't because I am still waiting to see if my raise goes through but my desk was piled so high with shit that I didn't know if I was coming or going.
Still horny, in case you are keeping track.
I have this oppressive desire to paddle the bottoms of most of the lovely ladies here at work. I am a walking sexual harassment case. Good thing I learned self-control at the ripe age of four or so.
I know I am not alone is this. I know someone has stood behind a member of the opposite sex and just want to smack them once on their tush. You know it doesn't have to be the opposite sex but at least for me I would extract exponentiallly more pleasure out of the arse being owned by a lady.
Happy Smacking my paddling friends,
Posted by
Ben Denham
2:00 PM
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
Experiment with Miso
So the jury is in. Ramen noodles and Miso do not go together, at least not in the same bowl of goodness. Another lesson: Two packets of Ramen is just too much mister.
The boys are back. I liked them being gone as I could roll around the house naked as a jay bird and have sex whenever I deemed the need although it was commonly on my own. I also had the undivided attention of the Diva and she wasn't as stressed. Who knew that having two boys running around the house and making incredible demands on your time could be stressful?
I do love having them back. I hope with a complete school year this time around that we can truly slip back into a rhythm. A rhythm that will not be interupted by their short visit with Pudgy. I am giving serious thought to coaching football for Mini-Mouse. I am guessing that I will have brother JEB talked into LSU by the end of the year or at least next summer.
All things seem to be coming into place with Diva and I think she is reaping some vindication from her other job. Also got herself an earfull about my ex and her teaching ability. We all had the chance to look at a pic of her ex's future ex. A dark caramel panamian lass with a less than adorable grill but flat ish stomach.
The ramen/miso sex in a cup is growing on me. Good thing I am working out tonight. I need to release all this bouncy knee energy.
Peace Out,
Posted by
Ben Denham
12:22 PM