Seems I am operating at a high rate of anxiety and that is just not working for our vacation. I am driving my poor Sissy up the wall. I am faced with that all to familiar feeling of wanting to get home to Canada as quick as humanly possible. SO. I am going to try to turn over a new leaf today and carry it on through our trip.
We decided we are too old to drive straight through to where ever we were going so we stopped in Jackson, Missouri for gas, a bite to eat, and a room for the night. Gas went ok but we were forced to chose between a White Castle and the Golden Arches. We pick Ronald McDonald's Restaurant and omfg. We sat in line for twenty minutes at the window and this is after only barely grazing the awning with our mountain bike on the roof of the truck. We sped off without even ordering and hit the hotel. NO surprise. The hotel was full.
The next exit we got off the interstate to go to an inn but almost got lost. We finally decided on a Comfort Inn with high rates. We were propositioned by a drunk dude on the way to the room who was standing in the hallway in his boxers. If it hadn't been 0118 maybe.
Good Travels,
Me promising not to be a grump
Sunday, June 25, 2006
Canada Trip Day 1
Posted by
Ben Denham
9:06 AM
Saturday, June 24, 2006
Canada or Bust
We left Denham Springs Louisiana at 1515 central and it is now 2025. We are 60 miles south of Memphis, TN on 55. We are bound for St. Louis tonight and finally to Lumsden, Saskatchewan.
We were going to leave last night but I had to make a purely political stop off at the Company Picnic which was nice but oh so hot. I won a beach towel with the first draw and all was not for a loss. We also wrestled wits in a competitive game of spades.
313 miles into the trip and yes I am using a wireless card. How sweet is technology?
Western Sizzler is the worst restaurant known to man. This was the second and last visit to this redneck version of Bonanza or farm team version of Ryan's
Good Travels.
Posted by
Ben Denham
8:28 PM
Sad Day or Is it?
Todd had moved from Canuck land down to the golden beaches and Cuban embrace of Florida. Bryan and Alex are traveling with him. Luongo and some no-name defenseman are returning to BC in trade plus a sixth round draft choice like that is about to make things alright. The quote on Yahoo about him being hammered in the current market might be true but DAMN... we down in Louisiana are going to miss Babe in the 44 jersey with marcus and morission.
GOOD BYE TODD and god speed young man.
Posted by
Ben Denham
8:18 PM
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Oh My God! I am so Bored!
I hate waiting on others. Two huge... I mean huge projects or more like ISSUES are rolling down the pipeline and although I am not the owners of these cancers but I am the saviour by grace of being the only developer on-site. SO here I sit having cleared my day to work on their problems in a futile attempt to make everyone in the Multiverse happy but no data or confirmation. I can't part water or turn water into Mountain Dew until someone gives me the raw datrrrr to work with so I changed my auto insurance to Louisiana, inquired about home owner insurance, ran the back up tapes, coordinated a company wide email to notify the masses of free lunch tomorrow, and updated my Neopets. Yes, I am 31 years old and I am a recreational Neopet player, KISS ME FURRY ASS. Oh and for your information, I don't have to put a suit on to be FURRY.
But I still haven't started either one of these high priority missions and I am getting anxious. DONT WASTE MY TIME! Oh, I did get bored and print out the listing (aka dah source code) for my security asp application and go line by line trying to uncork whatever mistake I had made. Who knew that you can't debug asp real-time? I suck at his web shit. (I guess I better learn aspx and brush up on xml before I get left behind.) Anyways I found the error and felt like I was back in college.
Alright, Sissy is at the library harvesting resources for her around-the-corner thesis with her eccentric, bubble butt, ultra-feminist lamprey. I must say if there is one friend of my sweets that I would love to collar and flog, this would be the one. Not cuz I dislike her but cuz I would get supreme gratification with putting a thatch work of angry red welts across her naked booty.
Good Travels to those heading from Terrace, to Kelowna, and from Red Stick,
Happy Spankings
ps. Don't mix Grumpy with Horny
Posted by
Ben Denham
12:32 PM
Friday, June 16, 2006
I am trying to figure out or more correctly, Decide. On whether or not to continue journaling to blogger or to jump ship back to LJ. My Red is on LJ and I too was on that forum but I had to find another medium for my musing when my ex started sniffing around my buddy list and such. I am rather ambiguous on here as I don't believe more than one other soul actually reads my daily or bi weekly thoughts.
I have a busy day of riding, servicing the truck(and no not on my knees), shaving, cleaning the truck, getting the newly bayou plated car inspected so it is street legal.
Red is out and about in San Antonio with her two running buddies. Last phone call they were into their fifth shot of Tequila. Should be interesting. She will have fun. I can't wait to hear the stories that are generated before this night is over.
Good travels and safe drinking
Still Bachelor 42
Posted by
Ben Denham
11:17 PM
Thursday, June 15, 2006
Where has the list gone?
You may ask yourself. Self, where has the cool list for the Canadian vacation gone? Well my mind has been sidetracked with a rather heavy work load at you guessed it, work. Hate when that happens. And the incredible, invisible stress that comes with buying a new home. I am washed over with trepidation. Should I buy? Am I wanting too much. Is the note and residence going to sap away my nomadic spirit?
Do I actually have any nomadic spirit left to sap? Jealousy. I can't believe when I was dropping Red off at the port that I got jealous of the other passengers. Three couples going to Cozumel (not my flavour of tea) and another was going to Costa Rica. I wanted to drop to my knees and scream why couldn't have I married a balding lawyer who could whisk me away to far off exotic and erotic resorts. Ok I am not a resort dude but you get the idea. I don't have penis envy, I have disposiable income envy.
Good travels to all and extra kudos to those that aren't filthy rich but still living the wanderlust ways.
I need to buy a lottery ticket because I sure as hell am not going to come about this the honest way.
Posted by
Ben Denham
10:14 PM
Baching it
Only five hours into my three day jail sentence called Bachelor Life and things aren't looking good. I dropped the contents of two taco supremes and a nacho bell grande down the front of my shirt. I have a meeting in 11 minutes and one right after. I am a slob.
Baby is in San Antonio visiting her caramel skinned best buddy who in the same breath is kinkishly hot and my dire nemesis. She will also stop in to visit another pal of her childhood who believes I have a crush on her. All this because I am a flirt and think crash talking should be in the olympic games.
True I am a horny man and haven't stayed faithful in a single relationship since the age of 15 but things are different. How so? I truly can't put me finger down on it. But it has something if not everything to do with a red head, a giggle, and an elusive butt cheer.
Good Travels to all,
Bachelor Number 42
Posted by
Ben Denham
12:53 PM
Friday, June 09, 2006
Tempted by the Open Road
We were almost tempted to head out of town tonight but we have some pricey trips planned for the end of the month so we are going to stay in town.
I do miss the open road. The household Diva is off to San Antonio next week so I am actually going to have to fend for myself for a change. I can't remember the last time that I had to cook a meal.
I have been transparent at work this week, my nose down programming a great deal of the time. I like creating and getting away from the inner office politics for a time. It breathes a little energy into my soul as if I am an artist or something.
I am wanting to start writing again. Something with space exploration but I don't really know yet. One thing that is a definite is that my vessel is going to have a space slut aboard.
Good Travels
Posted by
Ben Denham
2:28 PM
Saturday, June 03, 2006
85 and a deep loss
85 - Haunted Valley. Location of the great snowshoe races of my last two visits.
The boys lost tonight. I am not blaming it on my gf but she did forget to put her jersey on the past two losses. We had greek food and tempted the heart burn gods.
We are trying to find somewhere to hike tomorrow or even canoe. Someone has the bug.
Safe Travels
Posted by
Ben Denham
10:40 PM