87. My girlfriend is a big fan of art galleries so Mackenzie Art Gallery in Regina
86. Poutine
Hard to start the week on a Tuesday. Needless to say, all the my appointments got kicked back to Wednesday.
The boys won tonight on the hard wood and it all because of Naked Jersey Night. You can just guess but we purchased a uniform for each sport and when the time and magic is needed we pull them out.
Happy Travels
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Posted by
Ben Denham
11:23 PM
Monday, May 29, 2006
90-88 and update on Memorial Day Weekend
90. Watch the fireworks for Canada Day
89. BBQ at bro's new place in Regina
88. Pick fresh strawberries at the Gardens in Craven
Sunday was marvelous. Lovely talked me into taking up an invite to hit the river in style. In style is just how we did it. Had a wonderful time blazing through the swamps, canal, and the 7 foot deep lake that you can't see the other side. We anchored at a sand bar and drank beer while floating away. A wonderful time was had and some incredible new folk were met.
Today we lounged and went to Da Vince Code. Kinda like National Treasure and less exciting Indiana Jones but all in all it was a good movie.
Safe Travesl to all
Posted by
Ben Denham
3:41 PM
Friday, May 26, 2006
100 things to do on Our Canadian Vacation 100-91
100. Reach the High Point of North Dakota
99. Reach the High Point of South Dakota
98. See Mount Rushmore
97. See Crazy Horse
96. Butler's at Regina Beach for Fish and Chips
95. Boston Pizza for Schooners and Electronic Golf
94. Buffalo Jump
93. Northern Lights aka Aura Borealis (sp?)
92. Have pizza at The Valley
91. Walk around Wascana Lake
Watch as we make it to number one.
Good Travels
Any way you can.
Posted by
Ben Denham
9:39 PM
Travel Channel Hmmm
We watched a program on the tube tonight called Take 5 on the travel channel. They were in New Zealand and attempted 100 free things to do in Wellington in one week. I thought it was a novel idea and decided a new list for our trip at the end of next month.
Wait for it.
Posted by
Ben Denham
9:34 PM
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Hairy Hump Day
This week is much like a building orchestra. It started out quiet with a few wind instruments, maybe a flute or something, and a splash of symbols. But it is growing. Add some kettel drums, brass instruments, faint strings, and more symbols.
The start of the week was so tame and if asked I would have been hard pressed to defend the existence of my job at this small pharma but now I am the man. People here and there turning me for data and answers. My software finally arrived so I can start making my internet trivia game pretty and pleasing to the eye which I guess is the same thing.
Tommorrow is going to be a hail storm of issues. I am going to be moving here and there. Big event in our company's future and only a few folks know about it.
Well going to take the slightly depressed Freckled Sex Pot out to dinner in a hope to raise her spirits and bring out the inner Diva.
Good Travels
Posted by
Ben Denham
4:57 PM
Friday, May 19, 2006
Reflection Pool Friday
I believe this post is fueled by two slices of supreme pizza and two sugar glazed donuts. One Sec. Have to adjust the arms on this chair as they are making this process difficult. Ok, much better.
Before I get too far into this . I want to send a shout out and bit of thanks to the Hive's Queen as her fresh set of eyes and keen nose for what looks good and what looks like crap was instrumental in polishing my web dev project. I let her navigate my creation on the laptop while I sat patiently scribbling everything she said onto my pocket PC Or PPC.
I want to talk about stress and how having children in the AO 24/7 puts pressure on the soul and a budding relationship. I have spoken at lengths I am sure about how it effects me but I have really not addressed the toil it takes on House Hold 6.
Coupled with having two young boys, one almost a man and one still too much a babe, Red Riding Hood has found herself in the middle of a teaching position. Terrible and bigot administration, a near 100% estrogen staff, and a 45 minute commute have worn her paper thin. I can see in photos the difference between today and December of last year. Her health is suspect to start with but pile on these additional worries and she is on a one way track to something.
I have also noticed it is not just the boys but also in some aspects shielding me from boys so that I don't get burnt out or shielding the boys from me. I lack the patience that you inherently acquire when you share blood with another human being.
I am not saying that it is all bad but it has its moments. As if no other negative factors could add to the mixture, you are forced to take into consideration the absolute terrible neighbourhood that we reside in. The kids are trash and most of the parents are trash. The apartment is too damn small and we are constantly on top of each other. There is no escape except to go to work.
All this is a terrible burden on my sweet cherry's shoulders.
Attempting to purchase a small, nice home in a better burrow with one more bedroom and one more water closet. This will help.
The boys are leaving for the summer to be with their father and that will give us our nice break but much is needed to be accomplished in their absence.
Cross yo fingers as we search for a shack.
Posted by
Ben Denham
1:36 PM
Monday, May 15, 2006
Four Days of Active Living and I need a break
Thursday: 1 mile walk around South Park then shag some balls. Brother JEB played pick up with some boys. BC shagged and complained.
Friday: Shagged balls. BC ran off to play while Momma hit balls for me so that I could pull out my shoulder. Couldn't leave the park without knocking the tennis ball around for a bit. It was nice to see the increased mobility of Sweets and her back.
Saturday: A boiling game of baseball at the Y then a cool off in the pool. It was a great day except for the Lane Swimming Nazi.
Sunday: Mother's Day. Clark's Creek. The boys loved it and Momma pretended to like it.
Monday: Had to take a break from being healthy.
Personal Day.
Posted by
Ben Denham
10:18 PM
Friday, May 12, 2006
We play Dress Up
Good day today. I was forced to go to work today in what the boss calls Business Sharp. For those who really know me, you know my idea of business casual. Flip Flops and Hiking shorts. Anyways. Bossman has always been there for me and I am trying to squeeze some project management training out of him so I dressed the part.
It was dog and pony show upstairs which means I had to be quiet, no problem as I am really a recluse in my closet of an office sandwiched between the guard office and the elevator. The problem with this all comes from the HVAC system which when it turns creates this odd revibration that sounds identical to an aircraft taking off. The conference was going on and in order avoid foremention 747 taking off they decided to do what? Turn off the AC! I was boiling in my office.
I had a great convo with the apps manager and like a kid in a candy shop I was off to order some expensive software to aid in my web dev work. I made it half way through the process when I realized I ordered the wrong crap. I will have to return the one and start all over again.
Had a little humbling convo with one of the inspectors. We were talking about different things and she brought up how I mentioned my bonus a few months ago. She said it was in bad taste and I even tried to argue my case a bit. But I sucked up my initial desire to tell her what I had done was in jest but she explained about how it had really caused some friction a few years back. She was genuine in what she was saying and sounded almost maternal. I took it for what it was and appreciate it from where it came from. It doesn't hurt that she is in her early sixties and spitting image of my mother. Pride cut down a bit.
Came home. Changed and the three of us went off to shag balls and practice my pitching to kids. It ended up just being the gf and I but it was really fun. I did pull some of my shoulder but that didn't prevent us from laughing, sitting in the grass and discussing things. We even made it over to hit some tennis balls around. They say the relationships that truly last are the ones where you discuss the relationship freely and understand it dynamics.
I am a lucky dude.
Love to travel.
Posted by
Ben Denham
9:03 PM
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
Whoever puts these national surveys together about the worst traffic and forgets to put back assward Baton Rouge on the list is an absolute MORON. It took me 2 and a half hours to get home today all thanks to a ten car pile up on the interstate. It wouldnt be that big of a deal if the oxygen thieves that call themselves city officials had invested any time in planning instead of lining their pockets with taxpayer dollars.
I was highly suspicious when Baton Rouge voted in a Black mayor as I thought he won just on the color of his skin which makes sense as he is representative of the majority of residents. Guess we can't have South Africa all over again and have the minority whites ruling over the majority blacks. But Kip Holden has done a bang up job. He and his administration have made some minor changes on the roadways that on most days cut the commute time in almost half but when the crap hits the fan and the interstates are locked up due to bottle necks in lanes, hazmat spills, or like today accidents on a bridge, we are all screwed.
Just imagine what it is like when folks evacuate NOLA during the hurricanes. They come out of new orleans on 10 west and after the lake can continue on 10 or divert north of 55 which eventually hits 12. So the bulk of the Big Easy is travelling on these two highways fleeing for their lives or something like that.
Guess where 12 and 10 join again? In the middle of Baton Rouge. Dumb Ta Dumb.
Good travels unless you are driving in Baton Rouge.
ps. An ipod loaded with podcasts of dirty stories does take the edge off of it all.
Posted by
Ben Denham
8:09 PM
Sunday, May 07, 2006
Sunday Down Down Pours
Sundays which were earlier reserved for laundry and groceries is now elevated to grocery shopping, aquarium water changing, cartoon watching, and philosophy of parenting debates.
Wait. Cartoons. Ghost Hunters. And anything that pops up on Disney channel. Slave to the television tastes of a nine year old. Spending some quality time, seeing that we had an episode after the movies last night.
Don't know what to do with all my free time. The oldest and the gf are napping in the bed. It is sweet to see a 6'1" 16 year old cuddling up with his mother. They had a tense few moments this afternoon about hitting the youngest. We deviate in the methodology at this point and I reportedly sounded like spoiled brat. BUT sounding like a spoiled brat and being a spoiled brat are two different animals, I have issues making the difference.. What I do believe it may be is my feelings from last night boiling over to today.
Fish Notes. I think the tanks are cycled. There is no need to do huge water changes but just gallon changes so that I can collect some snails bodies, fish crap, and onetime food. Small sections at a time. Once every two weeks and now I am only feeding them once a day. I finally found what the gibes like and it is frozen shrimp shaved in flakes. This seems to be the key and now they are more active eaters. This gives me a piece of mind as these little guys have been around for a good length of time. I walk in every day and get me a kiss then straight to the boys. Another odd point is that my feeder ghost shrimp that the Walmart lady gave up for our Puffer a few months still are kicking it in the fresh water camp. They have a gang thing going on. They disappear for days at a time but I now have found their hang out. They chill on driftwood. The huge snails are doing great but the common pond snails have all but disappeared.
Safe Travels.
Checked out video recorders and adapter run fridges for meds for the truck. Cant wait for the trip to Saskatchewan. Actually ran over possible routes over lunch.
Posted by
Ben Denham
5:00 PM